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Is your RIN
            safety & education                                                    renewed?

                 he Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) requires companies to ob-
                 tain a Requalification Identification Number (RIN) to requalify cylinders. RINs are valid for 5 years
                 and a facility should submit a renewal application prior to expiration of the RIN  The RIN must be
           Tstamped or affixed on the cylinder after completion of the requalification process. The propane
            industry generally uses two methods to requalify a cylinder: a hydrostatic test (also known as volumetric
            expansion); or external visual inspection  Federal regulation 49 C F R  180 209 details the requirements for
            requalification by either method.
                   Hydrostatic Test
                   Cylinders requalified by a hydrostatic test may be used for 10 or 12 years before requalifica-
            tion is necessary again. PHMSA attempted to reduce the requalification period to 10 years, but NPGA
            petitioned the agency to keep the requalification period for hydrostatic tests at 12 years. While PHMSA
            reviews NPGA’s petition, either a 10 or 12 year requalification period is acceptable. The Enforcement
            Notice explaining the acceptability of 10 or 12 years is available on NPGA’s website , the NPGAction
            App under Resources - Fact Sheets, or by contacting NPGA
                   External Visual Inspection
                   Requalification by external visual inspection carries a 5 year requalification period, and it was
            not affected by the regulatory action of PHMSA  A facility must submit an application to PHMSA for a
            RIN before the facility may perform requalification of cylinders by external visual inspection. The RIN
            applies to the facility where requalification is performed, rather than an individual who performs the
            requalification at the facility.
                   NPGA recommends submitting renewal applications 60 days before the RIN expires  According
            to regulation 49 C F R  107 705(c) , a current RIN holder whose renewal application is submitted 60 days
            prior to its expiration may continue to requalify by
            visual inspection if the RIN expires before DOT re-   Sumter Coatings makes you look good
            sponds to the renewal application  For example:     while protecting your most valued assests.
            Sarah’s Propane has a RIN that will expire in 100
            days, but Sarah submits the renewal application
            to DOT 61 days before it expires  On the day it is
            set to expire, Sarah still hasn’t heard from DOT
            But, because she submitted the renewal applica-
            tion 60 days before the expiration date, Sarah’s
            Propane can continue to perform visual inspec-
            tion to requalify cylinders while she waits to hear
            back from DOT
                   Sarah waits - or forgets - to submit the      Formulated specifically for propane tanks
            renewal application until sometime after the RIN                   and equipment,
            expires  The regulations say that Sarah cannot       providing both protection and appearance.
            conduct visual inspection to requalify cylinders
            because her RIN has expired  The same would be                                             th.
            true if Sarah submits the renewal application less         Spring paint sale ends July 29
            than 60 days before it expires
                   Click here to download a RIN applica-
            tion , or to complete the RIN application through
            PHMSA’s online portal
                   Contact Sarah J  Reboli, NPGA’s Director
            of Regulatory Affairs with any additional ques-
            tions                                                800.448.9504   |
                                                               Your questions answered by the people who know propane equipment.

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