Page 13 - july-august2018
P. 13
would not necessarily smell gas if been aware of the gas smell sparks
the unused valve was accident- Moreover, defendants contend- As far as damages tes-
ly opened, including that the ed plaintiff would have heard timony at trial, plaintiff claimed
musty smell of the laundry room and been aware of a “swoosh- his recovery from the burns was
would have masked any gas ing” sound as gas escaped from very painful and the burns left
smell, the return air vent would the open valve Along the same noticeable scarring on his arms
have pulled up gas and dimin- lines, defendants also asserted and discoloration of his face
ished any gas odor and his sense at trial that plaintiff not only Note that by trade plaintiff was
of smell was not very good, In the middle of difficulty an auto mechanic at the
in part because he was a time of the incident and
smoker lies opportunity ~ plaintiff asserted that due
Note that based Albert Einstein to his injuries he needed
on information obtained to use a walker for mobil-
outside of the jury verdict ity and would likely have
summary report for this case, to undergo future disc
plaintiff’s attorneys also appar- should have smelled the gas surgery Plaintiff and his wife both
ently argued at trial that despite and been aware of the open claimed PTSD from the explosion
a gas company record seeming valve, he failed to take proper incident caused them to suffer
to show the service technician steps to avoid an explosion, e g from nightmares, depression,
plugged the unused valve he should have opened win-
during the gas system inspection, dows and avoided creating any ...Continued on page 14
the technician’s “electronic
action log” contradicted
that claim as it indicated he Looking for a reliable,
was at the home in question
for only about 4 minutes customized supply plan?
that day Plaintiff’s attorneys
also pointed out at trial that
the service technician said Crestwood’s experienced NGL professionals can help you create a
reliable, yet flexible supply plan from the Dixie Pipeline or Hattiesburg.
he did not recall doing the
work Moreover, plaintiff’s Want to know more???
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expert metallurgist testified pricing agreements, fixed price and option hedges or our transportation
at trial that based on the ex- and storage capabilities.
pert’s inspection and testing, Max Johnson | Supply/Asset Manager-Southeast
the gas valve at issue had
“never been properly sealed D: (816) 329.5316
and plugged ” C: (913) 972.5721
In addition to offering ICE ID: mjohnson31
evidence as to the valve
and inspection issues, defen-
dants asserted at trial that
plaintiff was comparatively
at fault with respect to the
incident and should have
13 Alabama Propane Gas Association | July / August 2018