Page 12 - july-august2018
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Jury Awards Damages in Lawsuit

                                     Involving Uncapped Gas Valve

                                     Leading to Explosion at Residence

                      Texas jury in the        she opted to go with an electric   connected to an appliance at
                      Ramirez v  Westwind      dryer instead of a gas-fueled     the time the home was sold had
                      Development case         one  On the day of the incident,   to be properly “plugged and
           A recently awarded                  the dryer apparently was not      sealed” to prevent a gas release
            close to seven million dollars in   working as expected during the   due to an inadvertent open-
            damages to a husband and           drying cycle so plaintiff decided   ing of the valve  Plaintiff further
            wife arising out of an explo-      to try to fix it for his daughter.   asserted that the gas company
            sion at their daughter’s home      He worked on the dryer, then      was negligent for failing to deter-
            The explosion allegedly was        ran it for a while but the clothes   mine during its inspections of the
            caused by the failure of the       inside were still wet  Plaintiff then   new home before turning on the
            home builder and its subcon-       determined he would move the      gas, that all the gas valves not in
            tractor to plug or cap and seal    dryer to the garage for better    use were properly plugged and
            a gas valve not connected to       lighting while he continued to    sealed as mandated by code
            an appliance  The gas compa-       work on repairing it  However,    Plaintiff claimed that due to the
            ny, CenterPoint Energy, which      plaintiff contends that when he   defendants’ negligence the
            conducted inspections of the       unplugged the dryer, a small      unused, unplugged gas valve in
            new house before turning on        electrical arc was created which   the area of the electric clothes
            the gas, was also a defendant in   ignited gas escaping from an un-  dryer had been accidently
            the lawsuit  Although the lawsuit   capped gas valve and caused      opened which led to the gas
            involved a natural gas system,     an explosion  Plaintiff was thrown   explosion
            analogies clearly can be drawn     back by the force of the explo-
            to propane-related inspection      sion which caused a lumbar        Trial.
            procedures, documentation and      herniation and a hip injury  He           At trial plaintiff offered
            safety issues  Let’s start with the   also had second degree burns   his evidence on the negligence
            background facts leading to the    to 20% of his body, including his   claims regarding the unplugged
            lawsuit                            arms and face                     gas valve and code compli-
                                                                                 ance issues  He contended the
            Background/Underlying Inci-        The Lawsuit.                      unsealed gas valve was “inad-
            dent.                                     Plaintiff brought a negli-  vertently opened” and admitted
                   On the day of the inci-     gence-based lawsuit against the   it possibly happened during his
            dent, plaintiff and his wife were   home builder, a plumber and      repair work on the dryer but
            babysitting their two-year old     the gas company  He contend-      without his knowledge  Plaintiff
            granddaughter at their daugh-      ed the home builder and its sub-  further asserted he did not smell
            ter’s home  When plaintiff’s       contractor plumber negligently    any gas before the explosion
            daughter moved into the new        failed to follow code provisions   He claimed there would have
            house, about three years earlier,   requiring that any gas valve not   been various reasons why he

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