Page 19 - may-june 2021_Neat
P. 19
for a new employee, keep both forms. typographical errors, any
Attach a short note explaining the action instructions not followed etc.
and date it. Never back-date. 2. If the employee has names that were not
Line-over any incorrect item. Then enter used on the original documents, add
the correct information, attach a note and those names, explain and resubmit. You
date it. Never back-date. can do that by preparing a new W2 or
If you’re missing an I-9 form for an whatever document was originally
provided and mailing it to them.
employee, immediately provide the
employee with a new form 1-9. Allow 3. After document correction or review
the employee three (3) business days to processes are complete, explain
complete and provide acceptable everything to the employee. Do not
documents. Attach a note explaining the terminate. Treat matter as merely
action. Use the current date. Do not procedural.
back- date. o Advise the employee to go to the
local Social Security (SS) office
IV. The No-Match Letter to straighten it out. If he/she
The No-Match Letter comes from either the does, SS may give him/her a
Social Security Administration (SSA) or The letter saying they are reviewing
Department of Homeland Security (DHS). It it.
will inform you that the name you provided o When the employee shows you
does not match the SS# you provided. It will that letter, just follow what it
assume that you may have made a mistake and, o If instead, the employee says
if so, to correct it. Do Not Ignore This Letter! he/she mistakenly gave you the
Your employee will have received a similar wrong number, and brings you a
letter advising him to contact the SSA office. new SS#, accept it, prepare a new
W-2 and resubmit it.
The rules on No-Match Letters have changed o Allow the employee 120 days to
significantly. resolve the issue.
You may not terminate or otherwise adversely
impact the employee as a result of this letter. Note; you are no longer required or allowed to
Follow the directions in the letter which will terminate because of this letter. And you may
advise you to visit the SSA website. not require the employee to reverify their I-9
These are the new rules: form. They may do so if they choose, but you
may not require it.
1. Review your records that were used to The document will indicate that this is for your
send original information to them. information. They are offering you their on-line-
o Look for misspelled names. tool to report any issues, but you are not
o Look for missing first, last or required to use it, nor to respond to this
middle names. document.
o Missed information, blank If you can’t resolve the discrepancy, you can
spaces, (Note that blank spaces just stop trying. They (Social Security) are not
are now allowed on the new I-9 going to pursue you for this. They may later
form where applicable. send another reminder but are not requiring you
to take any action.
19 Alabama Propane Gas Association | May / June 2021