Page 14 - nov-dec2017.indd
P. 14

State Supreme Court Denies Summary

                                       Judgment on Certain Duty of Care Issues

                                       in Lawsuit Arising Out Of Fatal Carbon

                                       Monoxide Exposure Incident

                n June 2017, the Idaho          reviewed below addresses           Property Management in
                Supreme Court denied            duty of care issues between        March 2010. About a year or
                summary judgment on duty        the apartment association and      so later, in early 2011, tenants
             Iof care issues in the wrongful    the property management            started reporting concerns
              death and personal injury         company as far as warnings,        about smelling gas/odors inside
              case of Forbush v Sagecrest       installation of carbon monoxide    apartment units.
              Multi Family Property Owners      detectors and maintenance               Intermountain Gas was
              Association, Inc. In the          of the water heaters after the     contacted about the concerns
              underlying incident a young       carbon monoxide issue was          and determined that carbon
              Marine died and his girlfriend    discovered, the case provides      monoxide levels were high in
              was seriously injured due to      insight for gas companies as       some units due to issues with
              carbon monoxide exposure          to risk management issues,         water heater venting systems.
              while they were overnight         including following training and   The apartment complex had
              guests in an apartment unit.      procedures as far as gas-fueled    two types of water heaters;
              Allegations in the lawsuit        appliances.                        one type had metal screens
              include that defendants knew                                         around the bottom of the tank;
              there were high levels of         Background/Underlying              the second type had only a
              carbon monoxide emissions         Incident.                          partial screen and was prone
              in multiple units due to issues        The apartment complex         to clogging which could lead
              with the water heaters but        at issue had forty-eight           to the emission of carbon
              did not take any action or        separate buildings with four       monoxide. After the property
              suffi cient action to protect the   apartments in each building.      management company met
              occupants. The apartment          A property owners’ association     with Intermountain Gas, they
              unit at issue was part of a       (POA) was responsible for          made the decision that things
              large apartment complex with      maintaining the grounds            would be fi ne if they simply
              multiple layers of property       and the unit owners were           had someone clean/vacuum
              oversight and control as far as   responsible for maintaining        the water heater screens.
              inspections, maintenance and      the interior of the apartments.    However, concerns continued
              repairs. A local gas company      Both the POA and the unit          to grow about carbon
              that conducted inspections        owners were required by            monoxide emissions and in
              and analysis of the carbon        the property covenants,            July 2011 Intermountain Gas
              monoxide emission problems        conditions and restrictions        was contacted again after a
              with the heating systems in the   to use the same property           tenant reported smelling gas.
              apartments was sued along         management company.                Intermountain Gas checked
              with a number of other parties.   The two groups entered into        the unit, “described the carbon
                   Although the decision        a contract with First Rate         monoxide level as deadly and

      14                                Alabama Propane Gas Association  |  November/December  2017
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