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stating that although the water heater; Goodman words, the units did not have
carbon monoxide was venting Manufacturing, the furnaces; instead hot water
through the top of the water company that designed and was transferred from the
heater, the potential existed manufactured an air handler water heater in each unit to a
that it could enter the unit. used in the apartment heating Hydronic Air handler through
Plaintiffs also alleged that system, the mechanical PVC tubing. The air handler
the property management subcontractor who installed acted as the heat exchanger
company “promised” to the water heater hood, air and warm air was then blown
replace defective water handler and venting; and through duct work to heat
heaters. However, months after the plumbing company that the apartment. Plaintiffs also
the notice was provided, the installed the water heater. pointed out that in each unit,
water heaters had still not been Intermountain Gas was the water heater, air handler
replaced. added as a defendant in an and clothes dryer were located
The Complaint provided Amended Complaint. together in a small closet and
Plaintiffs’ background “facts” As noted above, Plaintiffs that each air handler was
on the heating systems in alleged in the Complaint that connected to a thermostat.
the apartment units pointing the property management According to the Complaint,
out that the heat source for company gave written notice the tenant in the subject
the apartments was a water to tenants about carbon unit specifi cally informed the
heater in each unit. In other monoxide levels in some units property manager several
times before the incident that
her apartment would get hot
CONNECTIONS and stay that way even if she
turned the thermostat down or
FOR AMERICA’S off. Plaintiffs alleged that the
air handler was defective in
that it failed to shut off when
the set room temperature was
EN RGY reached causing the water
heater to continue to burn and
produce carbon monoxide
which vented into the air
Max Johnson
Supply & Asset Manager
Southeast handler intake and then into the apartment unit.
D: (816) 329.5316
C: (913) 972.5721 Plaintiffs also asserted
Yahoo ID: maxjohnson1248 a number of allegations in
ICE ID: mjohnson31
their Complaint along the
lines of the risks known to
the defendants before the
fatal incident including that
a “closed combustion gas-
fi red water heater” needed
suffi cient air for proper
combustion and venting
Two Brush Creek Boulevard, Suite 200 • Kansas City, MO 64112
16 Alabama Propane Gas Association | November/December 2017