Page 17 - nov-dec2017.indd
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so that the products of defendants failed to perform specifi c allegations against the
combustion did not end up in a reasonable inspection of gas company. By inference
the living space. Plaintiffs also the heating system after though, one allegation may be
asserted that the notice to determining the water that the gas company failed
tenants about the high levels heater was leaking carbon to perform adequate carbon
of carbon monoxide stated monoxide into the unit; failed monoxide testing in the subject
that tenants should keep the to confi rm that the carbon unit when it determined the
bi-fold doors of the closets monoxide detectors were levels were normal prior to
open when running the clothes properly installed; and failed to the incident. However, it is
dryer - again the inference is maintain the heating system in clear from the Complaint
that defendants knew there a reasonably safe condition. that the allegations against
were issues with the heating all defendants included that
system installation, location The Appeal. defendants were aware of the
and design that increased As noted above, risk of deadly levels of carbon
the risk of carbon monoxide the appeal in this matter monoxide exposure and either
exposure. Plaintiffs also alleged involved the POA, not the took no action, or insuffi cient
that it was known to certain gas company. The POA fi led action to protect the
defendants that there would a summary judgment motion occupants of unit. Regardless,
be diffi culty in accessing an asserting it did not have a this case underscores the need
opening in the bottom of the duty of care with respect for gas companies and their
water heater, called the “fl ame to several issues which the employees to carefully and
arrestor,” to clean it, and that district court granted. Plaintiffs consistently follow all training
a known propensity existed for appealed the decision. The and procedures as far as gas-
the opening to clog, especially Idaho Supreme Court agreed fueled appliances in heating
if the water heater was near a that the POA did not owe systems.
clothes dryer. Plaintiffs further a duty of care based on a At the end of the day, the
asserted that if that opening in premises liability theory but that goals are simple: safety and
the water heater clogged then a jury would need to address security. ~Jodi Rell■
there is not enough “clean air” material issues of fact on
for proper combustion which other duty and liability issues. [Kathryn A. (“Katy”) Regier is an
could lead to such high levels Accordingly, the POA and the attorney with the Sandberg, Phoenix &
von Gontard, P.C. law fi rm in its Kansas
of carbon monoxide that the president of the POA remain in City, MO offi ce. She can be contacted
exhaust/ventilation system the litigation as defendants. *** at: or
(816) 425-9683.]
would be “overwhelmed” and Lawsuits arising out of
carbon monoxide could fl ow incidents where plaintiffs
out the top of the water heater allege defendants knew
and into the living space. there was a risk of harm, had
Plaintiffs’ liability theories a duty to act to prevent the
also included that defendants harm, but failed to properly
took no action, or no do so, often involve sorting
appropriate action to protect out complex responsibility and
tenants or other occupants in duty issues. The decision and
the apartment units. Moreover, Complaint referenced above
Plaintiffs asserted that certain do not contain details as to the