Page 14 - January 2025 FINAL
P. 14

14    January 2025                                              ENJEM’S                       2010 Oriskany Street West
                                                                                                          Utica, New York 13502
                                                                                                          2010 Oriskany Street West
       NPC, LLC                                                 ENJEM’S                                2010 Oriskany Street West
                                                                                                         Utica, New York 13502
                                                                                                          Phone: (315) 733-0421
                                                                                        2010 Oriskany Street West
                                                                                                              Voice Mail Ext: 15
                                                                                                               Utica, New York 13502
       Professional                                                                        Utica, New York 13502 Phone: (315) 733-0421
                                                                                                             Voice Mail Ext: 15
                                                                                                            Fax: (315) 733-0557
                                                                                           Phone: (315) 733-0421
       Cleaning                                                                               Voice Mail Ext: 15  Fax: (315) 733-0557
                                                                                                               Phone: (315) 733-0421
                                                                                             Fax: (315) 733-0557  “Home Improvements” with a personal touch
                 Commercial, Residential,
                 C o m m e r cia l,  R es ide n t ia l,                               Mark Enjem
                                                                                                              Mark Enjem
                                                                                                                     Voice Mail Ext: 15
                                                                                                                        Michael Murray
                Office & Janitorial Services!                Carpeting • Wood Floors                           Vice President Michael Murray
                     e & J
                                                                                              Mark Enjem
                                  l S
                                                                                                                 Vice President
                                                                                                                  Fax: (315) 733-0557
                                                                                                Vice President
        Q u a l i t y Cl ea n i n g W i t h A P e rs o n a l T o u c h!   Ceramic Tile • Area Rugs         
        Quality Cleaning With A Personal Touch!
                                                                 Vinyl/No Wax Floors
                                                                                                                     Mark Enjem
                                                                                                                               lumbing •
                                                                                                            Carpentry •
                      a &
        Servicing Utica &    Clifton Maxwell               2010 Oriskany St West • Utica                    Carpentry • plumbing • masonry
                g U
                                                                                                                                 al • De
                                                                                                                        Vice President
       Surrounding Areas s         (315)601-3776           733-0421  •                               eleCtriCal • DeCks
       The Hidden Cost of Convenience:                  often face poor labor conditions and low wages. The
             American Fast Furniture                    race to the bottom on price not only undermines
                                                        fair labor practices but also diminishes the value of
        In the pursuit of convenience and affordability,   craftsmanship, eroding the market for locally made,
      Americans have embraced the fast furniture        sustainable furniture. For the past 85 years, Grace
      phenomenon. Much like fast fashion, fast furniture   Furniture has taken pride in collaborating with skilled
      prioritizes low cost, mass production, and aesthetic   American craftsmen who utilize techniques like the
      appeal at the expense of durability and sustainability.   eight-way hand-tied spring system to create durable,
      While these pieces offer a quick and inexpensive   long-lasting furniture.
      solution for furnishing homes and offices, the
      environmental and societal costs of this trend are                                                    HARP Museum January 2025
      proving to be staggering.
        Fast furniture has become an integral part of American                                             Youth Lunch & Learn Program
      consumer culture, fueled by the desire for trendy                                                    The H.A.R.P. Museum at the Irish Cultural Center
      designs that align with modern tastes. Companies such                                               of the Mohawk Valley will host two Lunch & Learn
      as IKEA, Wayfair, and other big-box furniture retailers                                             sessions for area youth on Saturday January 25, 2025.
      dominate this market, offering budget-friendly options.                                              The Gaelic festival of Imbolc is celebrated in Ireland
      For millennials and Gen Z consumers—many of whom                                                    on February 1st or 2nd and marks the feast day of
      are renting or moving frequently—the appeal of low-                                                 Ireland’s patroness St. Brigid. Our two programs will
      cost, disposable furniture is undeniable. However, this                                             be based on the life and legends of Brigid the saint and
      very  affordability  and disposability  contribute  to  the                                         Brigid the goddess.
      core issue: a growing cycle of waste and environmental                                               The morning session starts at 11:00 AM and will
      degradation.                                       One of Grace Furniture's local craftsmen is creating a custom   feature a Zoom call discussion on the life of St Brigid
        Fast  furniture  is  typically  made  from  inexpensive   sofa using the traditional eight-way hand-tied construction   with author Síne Quinn. Quinn is the commissioning
      materials such as particleboard, MDF (medium-density          technique, a nearly forgotten art.    editor at Merrion Irish Academic Press and creative
      fiberboard), and laminate, all of which are challenging                                             writing facilitator with the Bookmarks programme at
      to recycle. Additionally, the manufacturing process for   Addressing the fast furniture crisis requires a   Trinity College Dublin. Her first book 'Holy Shocking
      these materials often involves toxic glues and finishes,  cultural shift towards more sustainable consumption.   Saints' with Margaret Anne Suggs was published in
      which further complicate disposal and recycling efforts.  The concept of “slow furniture”—a movement that   2020. ‘Holy Shocking  Saints’ is an introduction to
      The result is a product with a short lifespan, destined  emphasizes quality, longevity, and sustainability—is   twelve remarkable Irish saints, including St. Patrick and
      for the landfill.                                 gaining traction. Companies like Grace Furniture   St. Brigid. You will be surprised at what you will learn
        The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) reports   that prioritize ethical sourcing, durable materials, and   about these saints that you never knew before.
      that furniture waste accounts for approximately 12   timeless designs are challenging the status quo. While   The afternoon session starts at 1:00 PM and will
      million tons of municipal solid waste annually in the   these products often come with a higher upfront cost,   be  spent  learning  how  to  weave  a  St.  Brigid’s  cross
      United States. This figure has more than doubled over   their longevity can result in long-term savings for   from both pipe cleaners and traditional rushes from
      the past few decades, reflecting the rise of disposable   consumers and a reduced environmental footprint.   Ireland. Volunteers from our program committee are
      consumer goods. Landfills are not only overwhelmed   Retailers can play a pivotal role by adopting transparent   experienced weavers and will assist our novice weavers.  AVOID SHOPPING CROWDS!
      by discarded furniture but also emit greenhouse gases,   practices and offering take-back or recycling programs.   There is no charge for these classes, which is being   Simply Call Us!
      such as methane, as materials like wood decompose.  At Grace Furniture we embody this value by up-  offered to children of all ethnicities aged 8-14. As
                                                        recycling retired furniture removed from customers   each class has limited seating, advance registration is   We will accept your credit card
                                                        homes and donating to a local veteran’s charity.  required, at                    orders through 12/31/20.
                                                         While the journey toward a more eco-conscious                                                    Your gift certificates will be mailed to
                                                                                                           Lunch will also be included for the students. Parents/
                                                                                                                                  Buy 3 Months
                                                        approach to furnishing homes and offices may require   guardians are welcome to attend any of the
                                                        shifts  in  both  mindset  and  habits,  the  potential                                               you the day the order is taken!
                                                        rewards—reduced waste, a healthier planet, and     events (they won’t count against the cap, but will have
                                                        fairer labor practices—are well worth the effort. By   to pay for their own lunch). Get 1 Month     CALL TODAY!
                                                        prioritizing quality over quantity and embracing   This youth programming series, aimed at introducing  315-735-2219
                                                        sustainable alternatives, consumers and industries alike   young people of our area to the history and culture of
                                                        can help transform the fast furniture paradigm into one   Ireland, is funded through the auspices of a Legislative   Gift Certificates
                                                                                                                                        for only
                                                        that values longevity and responsibility.         Initiative Program grant, secured by Assemblywoman
        Beyond the environmental repercussions, fast                                                      Marianne Buttenschon, and is being administered out   are available on
      furniture perpetuates social inequities. Many of these   Written by; Cassie Grace Miles, 4th generation steward of   of the New York State Office of Children and Family   all types of
      items are produced in factories overseas, where workers   Grace Furniture, a family-owned business since 1940, on   Services.                          memberships
                                                        River Road, in Marcy, NY. Cassie received her BFA in Design                                                                                      ONE CAMPION ROAD         NEW HARTFORD, N.Y. 13413         (315)735-2219
                                                         from The Fashion Institute of Technology in Manhattan and                      One Campion Rd, New Hartford
         Give Your Child The Best…                       continued her career in design, managing luxury furniture   DONALD A. FLIHAN, DDS, MD                             Celebrating
                       ….Right from the Start!           showrooms in the world-renowned Miami Design District,
                                                          along with additional world class hospitality training at
                        Jewish Community Center ’s                                                           Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery                                      44 Years
                            Preschool Program                              5-star hotels.
                           Fosters a sense of:
                                     • Self Reliance    •Achievement                                               Board Certified:                                          in Business!
                                     • Self Esteem   •Self Discipline
         ….Interested?                                                                                        American Board of Oral
         Please call          •  Classes are held from 9 a.m.-12                                                                                                               During January 2025
         (315) 733-2345             noon. Monday through Friday                                              and Maxillofacial Surgery
                                 for children ages 2 to 5.                                                                                                               We will take  44 off
        The Jewish Community Center   •  Lunch program is available
             2310 Oneida St.      •  from 12 – 2 p.m..                                                                               3, 6 & 12 month memberships!
            Utica, NY  13501       Before Care starts at 8 a.m. and
                               After Care ends at 4 p.m.
       •   The school follows the local                                                     315-624-0707
          * we are open to children of all   public school schedule,                                                                                                  50 Genesee St,
          races, religions and nationalities   September - June
                                                                                                               130 Lomond Court, Utica                                  New Hartford
                 * now accepting fall registration applications                                                Lomond Place Office Park                                315-735-2219
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