Page 16 - January 2025 FINAL
P. 16
16 January 2025
Happy New
Year From
the Genesis
As we welcome the new
year of 2025, let's also
transition our mindset. I
challenge you to focus on
new opportunities – for MVILR Winter
by Raymond J. Durso, Jr., yourself, others and the
President/CEO The Genesis community. People, places Semester Classes
Group Chairman,Chamber and even industries such Winter semester classes for the Mohawk Valley
Alliance Mohawk Valley as Education, Healthcare, Institute for Learning in Retirement (MVILR) will
Manufacturing, Banking begin Monday, January 20, 2025. MVILR is “a non- Frosty Days, Cozy Nights!
and Finance, Insurance, profit organization that has provided opportunities for
Agriculture, Public Safety, Tourism and so many more, local seniors to learn, live, grow, move, think, socialize We have the wonderfully warm items you need to stay
have all experienced some type of change, growth and create since 1996”. Most classes are held weekdays toasty all winter long. We will be holding a 25% Off
and new development. I believe the Mohawk Valley on the MVCC Rome campus, with Friday classes via Sale during January and February (some restrictions
is ready for new levels of success. We are welcoming Zoom. apply). Our Wool Snuggle Penguin socks have the
new companies and seeing local companies expanding. Among the 25 4-week courses offered this winter, there perfect name for them, they feel like a comfortable hug.
We must stay focused and work together to make our are options in history, science and medicine, fitness, Maggie’s Organics (a US company) is committed to
community stronger and better! music, religion, technology and book talks. Additional total transparency, total sustainability, and true ethical
I realize that good things will not just happen, but we courses offered are: “How Immigration Made America” practices from form to finish. Their Merino wool is
must work for them. I encourage you to develop a plan (facilitated by James Pula, PhD), “Math, Music and the grown in the Chubut region of southern Argentina and
of action, set goals and be ready to seize your moments Golden Ratio” (Julia Pilny), and “Social Identities and the sheep are raised to the same standard as sheep raised
of growth and success. This year, the Genesis Group will Belonging” (Todd Marshall, PhD). for organic dairy and meat. Knitting is done by three
celebrate its 25th Anniversary of service to the Mohawk Registration is now open. For the Winter Catalog, generations-old family knitters in No. Carolina. These
Valley region. We continue to use adaptive leadership membership, registration and more information, visit soft organic wool socks have a thick cushion throughout,
to meet new challenges and to create positive impact the website at or contact Program with a stretchy comfort top. Our Collingwood Texting
in the region. Genesis will continue to be the Mohawk Coordinator Shawn Essafi at or phone Mittens are 100% New Zealand Wool on the exterior
Valley's source for news and information, views and 315-334-7761. and the inside is lined with polyester fleece. These
opinions, community projects and regional events. Our mittens are definitely made with love. They successfully
volunteers and partners will continue to take action, prevent your hands from getting too cold while you
achieve results and make a difference. Combined with dash off a text. These and many, many more uniquely
our rich history, a skilled workforce and the will of our handcrafted gift items from 38 different countries can
citizens, the Mohawk Valley has much to look forward be found at our Fair Trade Shop, Stone Presbyterian
too! As we look ahead, we do so remembering our Church, 8 So. Park Row, Clinton. Our regular hours are
past experiences, appreciating our blessings today, and 10am to 4pm every Thursday and SECOND Saturdays.
with hope for our future. I wish you a safe, healthy and Purchasing fair trade items ensures artisans and small
Happy New Year! farmers fair wages and healthy working conditions,
25th Annual & Regional providing dignity, sustainable development and hope
for marginalized people. Let us be your go-to Gift Shop!
Legislative Forum Visit us at or
Participants include Elected Officials from
Herkimer, Madison, Oneida and Otsego counties
Friday, January 31, 2025 ~ 7:30am
at Hart’s Hill Inn, Whitesboro
Cost: $25 per person
All are welcome!
20 Center Court, NH Shopping Ctr • 724-4500