Page 19 - TravelSketch - PARIS
P. 19


                                                                                                                   5. Mode, Mode, Mode:

                                                                                                                   Rue de Grenelle, Cherche Midi, Rennes, Bon Marché

                                                                                                                    By the end of the 19 , the establishment of the first Fashion Houses and the creation of
                                                                                                                    the American Magazine “Vogue” in 1892, the French fashion industry bloomed, with

                                                                                                                    new concepts and styles that would “liberated” women from corsets and heavy


                                                                                                                    In 1925 a little-known designer called Coco Chanel first came into prominence and

                                                                                                                    revolutionized Paris fashion and then the world’s.

                                                                                                                    In the buzz following the end of WWII, Paris was the center of the world again, thanks to

                                                                                                                    Christian Dior’s "New Look" and the rise of  Givenchy, Balmain and other fashion houses.

                                                                                                                    In the mid-60’s, Yves Saint Laurent put Paris on the spot again with his a prêt-à-porter

                                                                                                                    ("ready to wear") line which made fashion accessible to the masses, followed by Paco

                                                                                                                    Rabanne, Pierre Cardin who pushed fashion towards the future, creating bold shapes.

                                                                                                                    Nowadays, Haute Couture, Chic, Casual, Streetwear, Sporwear, Bohemian, …. are the

                                                                                                                    reflexion of the diversity of our time.
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