Page 7 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 36
P. 7



        I started my journey at the science table, where
       the zealous teachers explained the benefits of
       picking a variety of the sciences, highlighting

       future opportunities in fields like medicine and
       engineering. Their passion made the subject
       more appealing and gave me a lot to consider.

       Next, I visited the humanities section. The histo-
       ry booth caught my attention with its intriguing
       displays and engaging stories from the teach-

       ers, who emphasised how studying history helps
       us understand the present and shape the future.
 ersonally, I would say “The Year 9 Op-
       Their enthusiasm was contagious.
 tions Day” was a pivotal moment in
 Pmy  school  journey,  it  was  filled  with   Throughout the day, I discussed my options with
 Personally, I would say
 excitement and a bit of anxiety about the   my friends, sharing our thoughts and getting
 choices that would shape my future edu-  different perspectives. The teachers were in-

 cation. As I entered the hall, it buzzed with   “The Year 9 Options   credibly helpful, answering questions and pro-
 energy; tables were set up for each subject,   Day” was a pivotal   viding insights that made my decisions clearer.
 manned by enthusiastic teachers ready to
 moment in my school
 answer our questions.  By the end of the day, I felt well-informed but
 journey  a bit anxious about my subject choices. Year 9
 To begin with, we had a Q and A session, and   Options Day was a motivating and encouraging
 afterwards we began to explore different ta-
       experience, setting the stage for the next step in
 bles which were set up for the subjects.
 Yuadoo Mirabel Kyenge  my educational journey.
 Year 9 Congo

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