Page 13 - Upper Primary NL wk 14
P. 13

Simulating Journalism

 his week, Year 6 students successfully learnt and applied techniques for recording and

 editing news reports as part of their learning in journalitsic writing. To practice their
 Tskills, the children went around the school to conduct interviews with key individuals
 involved  in  areas  of  interest  about  our  forthcoming  events.  They  gathered    eye-witness’

 accounts and gleaned important information as news reporters.

      Health Day Overview with the Nurse: Investigating issues around food poisoning, discussing
      impact and gathering perspectives on preventive measures

          Sports Day in Term 2: Highlight of key events, possible winners and exciting experiences  Looking to the The Regent  School’s 25th-Year Anniversary: Capturing the celebration and
      reflecting on the milestones

 12  THE REGENT SCHOOL  12                     THE REGENT SCHOOL                                                  13
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