Page 5 - The Regent Digest Volume 12 Issue 32
P. 5

From the
 Principal’s Desk

 an English Gallery, which had a very strong

 Gothic influence and Dr Frankenstein’s cham-
 ber  complete  with  his monster  lying on  the
 bench where he was assembled.

 Robert Franklin
 Principal  On Tuesday pupils were invited to come
 dressed as a character from a book. There
 Dear Parents,  were some very imaginative costumes on

 show and some pupils and teachers had ob-
 t has been a very different week to usual   viously put a lot of thought into their sartori-
 this week in the Secondary School as we   al wear. Also on Tuesday, the starter in every
 Ihave enjoyed a very varied and fun English   English lesson was Drop Everything and Read.
 Week.  Throughout the week there was a huge em-
 phasis on the importance of reading.
 The week started on Monday with a “Rock, Pa-
 per, Scissors” competition, designed to build   It has become a tradition during English week
 friendships and increase communication and   that each form group decorate their class-
 use of language around the school.  It certainly   room door as a book cover. This year was no

 caught the imagination of the pupils. The way   exception and for the first time, this competi-
 the  competition  worked  was  that  each  pupil   tion will count towards the Regent Challenge.
 was given a ribbon in the colour of their house   The winning form groups received points for
 when they arrived at school. Pupils would   their Houses. I would like to thank our Judg-
 challenge somebody else to a game of “Rock,   es, Mr Stockden, Head of The Regent Primary
 Paper, Scissors”, which if they lost, they would   School, Mrs Dyer, Head of Abuja Prep and Mr
 forfeit a ribbon and if they won, they would   Daly, the Head of Abuja World Academy.

 collect a ribbon. Once a pupil had no ribbons
 left, they were out of the game. There was an   On  Thursday,  the  Book  Fair  took  place  in  the
 eventual winner who had collected more rib-  library and pupils could use vouchers to buy
 bons than anyone else.   books from a variety of book sellers and on
 Friday the School Assembly consisted of short
 In the English lessons on Monday, the fun con-  drama presentations as an acknowledge-
 tinued as members of the English Department   ment that plays are also an important part of
 offered different language games such as   English Literature. All in all, it was a very event-
 Scrabble for the pupils to play. There was also   ful and exciting week!

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