Page 33 - Gi_April2022
P. 33

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                                                                                                    THE WWU TREE-PLANTING TEAM

                 A TEAM OF Wales & West Utilities   biodiversity and improving air quality,   allowing us to meet with colleagues
                 colleagues turned out in force to   people will be able to enjoy seeing them   in the great outdoors, but it also will
                 plant trees in the Mangotsfield area   grow during the coming years.  benefit the community in Mangotsfield
                 of South Gloucestershire and improve   Sarah Williams, Wales & West   by enhancing biodiversity, reducing
                 biodiversity in the local area.  Utilities Director of Regulation, Asset   carbon and improving wellbeing.
                   The initiative was part of the gas   Strategy & HSE, helped plant the   “We are delighted that we have been
                 emergency and pipeline service’s   trees and said: “Through investing   able to link with South Gloucestershire
                 pledge to plant five trees for every one   £400 million in the gas network   Council to enhance their programme
                 they have to remove as part of their   between 2021 and 2026, we are   and hope this will be the first of many
                 work to keep the gas flowing safely.  committed to helping communities   activities across our network.”
                   The planting in Mangotsfield   right across Wales and south west   In Wales & West Utilities’ 2021-
                 was done in partnership with     England go green.                2026 business plan, the company also
                 South Gloucestershire Council and   “We’re also focused on delivering a   committed to recycling or reusing
                 enhanced the council’s own tree   number of long-lasting initiatives that   80 per cent waste by 2026, while
                 planting programme.              benefit the communities we serve –   eliminating single use plastic and
                   During the day, more than 20 trees   including improving air quality and   reducing paper consumption by 75 per
                 were planted by members of the   biodiversity.                    cent by 2026. Together these measures
                 company’s sustainability team and it   “Taking part in this tree planting   will help the company achieve zero
                 is hoped that, as well as supporting   exercise was not only great fun,   waste to landfill by 2035.

                 protect customers and their families
                 across Barnsley from the dangers of
                 poisonous carbon monoxide, also
                 known as the silent killer."
                   Cadent and Stephanie Peacock
                 MP both support the All-Party
                 Parliamentary Carbon Monoxide
                 group, which works to raise
                 awareness of carbon monoxide and
                 improve policy.
                   The All-Party Parliamentary Carbon
                 Monoxide Group says that alarms
                 save lives, and has been calling for an
                 expansion of these regulations for many
                 years, notably in the report, Tenants Safe
                 and Secure in Their Homes.                                              STEPHANIE PEACOCK MP WITH THE DONATED ALARMS


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