Page 30 - Gi_April2022
P. 30

every kwh counts

                   However, there’s a gargantuan skills   instead – this could be coordinated to   obliterated after the closure of Rough,
                 shortage for heat pump installers,   deliver raw biogas to biomethane sites.  we need to be doing all we can to bring
                 customers need to be willing and able to   When it comes to the extraordinary   significant storage back online. Rough
                 afford this choice, and the Boiler Upgrade   measures for natural gas supplies,   is also being investigated by Centrica
                 Scheme (BUS) appears to be irritating   part of that picture is the major LNG   for being repurposed for hydrogen, so
                 installers already with fears it will fail   producers ramping up and shipping it   we would need to be aided by changes
                 like the Green Homes Grant. It seems   to wherever it’s needed and whoever   to the gas quality specifications to
                 unlikely, with the time needed to train   has the biggest budget to satisfy their   allow a wider range to enter the UK gas
                 installers and the low numbers of heat   gas thirst. A significant issue with this   system without processing.
                 pumps afforded by the BUS, that any   is the carbon intensity of LNG, with   And so what about North Sea gas?
                 scaled uptick in heat pump installation   USA LNG from shale gas understood to   Existing sites could be incentivised to
                 will make a material difference for next   be the most damaging with a carbon   increase production – and it seems that’s
                 winter. There’s also the matter that   intensity much higher than natural   sensibly being looked at as something
                 whenever the live efficiency (coefficient   gas production in northwest Europe.   we can get going before the next
                 of performance, or COP) drops below   Another route is to maximise those   heating season. We’re also presented
                 three next winter, the flexible generation   conventional sources across northwest   with the announcement of new oil
                 needed to meet the added load on the   Europe and elsewhere, such as the   and gas licences for the North Sea and
                 electricity system is going to be a blend   Groningen field in the Netherlands –   arguments about their incompatibility
                 of coal and gas. At those times, probably   possibly a serious way of transferring   with net zero. The truth is that any
                 when it is coldest and the system is under   gas production away from Russia.  credible pathway to 2050 shows a need
                 the most stress, it’ll be using more energy                       for natural gas all the way out to then
                 than a boiler would have been using and                           and beyond – and so any self-sufficiency
                 emitting more emissions than a boiler   If we don’t manage to make   to satisfy this need would derive lower
                 would have emitted.              next winter work, then we and    global emissions than importing LNG.
                   It would, of course, be much easier   other parts of Europe may head   And why can’t we start to put together
                 and applicable to many more houses to   into gas supply emergencies.   novel licences that favour the emergence
                 install heat pumps as hybrids alongside                           of a UK hydrogen market, with licences
                 boilers, or compact hybrid boilers with   And what might that mean?   that are ‘hydrogen-first’? These could
                 heat pumps inside the boiler unit, but   Well, perhaps the potential   allow natural gas to enter the global
                 the same installer issue persists for heat   for government industrial   market, but with priority always for UK
                 pumps in hybrids at the same time as   furlough schemes to shut down   blue hydrogen production demand to
                 the government shoots itself in the foot                          aid supply to developing superplaces
                 by excluding hybrids from the new heat   manufacturing to preserve   around industrial clusters and into new
                 pump incentive. Compact hybrids, on the   domestic supplies. Let’s avoid   hydrogen storage facilities.
                 other hand, are available on the market   that kind of catastrophe and   Green hydrogen also needs scaling
                 and can be installed by the mass of gas                           up to use surplus wind to produce
                 boiler engineers. At least hybrid appliances   act collectively   hydrogen from splitting water, using
                 can be controlled in a way to minimise                            electrolysers like those manufactured by
                 energy consumption and emissions across   Groningen has been the subject of a   our friends at ITM’s Gigafactory, which
                 the gas and electricity system.  government decision to significantly   is about to double in size. We should be
                                                  reduce onshore gas production as a   using green hydrogen wherever we can,
                 INCREASING ALTERNATIVE GAS SUPPLIES    result of earthquakes that have damaged   like refineries, to displace fossil fuels.
                 Firstly – let’s maximise biomethane   properties for years in that area.   Using hydrogen in the gas grid, however,
                 entry to the gas grid. And I mean at a   Ramping up production again ought to   isn’t a solution for this year ahead.
                 pace we’ve never seen before. Some   be explored, but a continental gas system   This is despite the fact that blending, a
                 accelerating may be achievable this   that benefits from this action needs to   hydrogen neighbourhood and village
                 year to connect and flow from more   consider compensating the surrounding   demonstrators are just around the
                 new anaerobic digestion sites than were   communities for their sacrifice.  corner and hold so much promise for
                 planned to go live this year. ADBA has   Onto the touchy subject of fracking,   a net zero future for home heating and
                 pointed out that the sector is capable   a lifting of the moratorium would allow   other demands. Aker & DNV’s Horizon
                 of displacing Russian gas import   investors to find out whether there are   project is a great example of how one
                 volumes within four years, and two to   volumes of gas that are economically   large wind farm can supply hydrogen
                 three times that volume by 2030. This   recoverable. And if they do end up   for a net zero refinery and one million
                 is all at the same time as being able to   producing some gas, under robust   homes – but that kind of progress
                 supply fertiliser from the digestate that   regulation and monitoring, it isn’t going   doesn’t happen overnight.
                 can help displace disrupted supplies   to help in the next 12 months. However,   If we don’t manage to make next
                 of mineral fertiliser and capture the   even if a small amount of fracked gas   winter work, then we and other parts
                 bio-CO₂ for replacing all CO₂ used in   is produced in the next few years, we   of Europe may head into gas supply
                 UK industry. I think you call that one   may just need it. The limit on allowable   emergencies. And what might that
                 a win-win-win. Let’s also stop burning   seismic activity would need a review.   mean? Well, perhaps the potential for
                 biogas for electricity generation – it’s   An earthquake has even stopped the   government industrial furlough schemes
                 inflexible when we need flexibility, and   well testing operations at a geothermal   to shut down manufacturing to preserve
                 inefficient when we need efficiency –   site in Cornwall.         domestic supplies. Let’s avoid that kind
                 most of the energy is lost as vented heat   Getting gas storage into gear is a   of catastrophe and act collectively. As
                 to atmosphere. We need to upgrade it   critical component of energy security   Elon Musk says, exceptional times call
                 to biomethane and get it in the gas grid   and pricing. With UK capacity   for exceptional measures.


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