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what is hydrogen?

                 ENERGY DENSITY AND VISCOSITY     important that an odour is added to   exposure to 100 per cent hydrogen.
                 As the lightest known molecule, hydrogen   any hydrogen distributed via pipeline
                 disperses into the air quicker than other   to ensure leaks are detected and   WHAT ROLE WILL HYDROGEN PLAY
                 gases due to its low molecular mass.  consumers are protected.    IN THE UK’S FUTURE?
                   On a volumetric basis, the energy   The type of odorant for hydrogen   It has long been recognised that
                 density of hydrogen is eight times smaller   has not yet been finalised, however it   hydrogen will play an important role in
                 than that of methane. So, to achieve the   is anticipated that the same odorant   our future energy mix if we are to stand
                 same energy supply, significantly greater   (mercaptan NB), currently used for   any realistic chance of meeting our net
                 volumes of hydrogen are needed.   natural gas, will be applied in the initial   zero carbon emissions target by 2050.
                   When considering the pipeline   hydrogen trials.                  However, for a healthy hydrogen
                 transportation of hydrogen, it is                                 economy to take shape with the urgency
                 acknowledged that greater flow rates                              we need to meet our 2050 goals, the
                 would be required to compensate for   Hydrogen’s high diffusivity can   industry must work collaboratively
                 this density difference.         be advantageous from a safety    and have access to the latest research
                   Viscosity is a measure of a gas or   perspective, as hydrogen leaks   knowledge across all sectors.
                 liquid’s resistance to flow. Hydrogen has a   are likely to disperse quickly into   At IGEM, we are passionate about
                 lower viscosity than most gases, including                        our leadership role to enable the UK
                 methane, and as it is a small molecule it   the air, providing it is not near an   transition to a low carbon gas network
                 is prone to leakage through the joints and   ignition source      and one of the ways we are playing our
                 seals of containers or pipes in which it is                       part is through the development of the
                 being stored or transported.     TOXICITY                         Hydrogen Knowledge Centre.
                   However, hydrogen’s high diffusivity   Hydrogen is a non-toxic gas. Pure   With the backing of BEIS, we’ve created
                 can be advantageous from a safety   hydrogen does not contain carbon and   a growing and carefully curated database
                 perspective, as hydrogen leaks are likely   as such there is no carbon dioxide (CO₂)   of resources from a wide range of sources
                 to disperse quickly into the air, providing   production, nor any carbon monoxide   including gas network companies,
                 it is not near an ignition source.  (CO), when hydrogen is burned. 10  academic institutions, research bodies,
                                                    A move to 100 per cent hydrogen   supply chain organisations and industry
                 IGNITION AND FLAMMABILITY        for heat would eliminate the risk of   experts – accessible by anyone.
                 Like many gases, hydrogen is     carbon monoxide poisoning, which kills   We are working with the UK gas
                 flammable. The flammable range at   around 60 people every year.  networks and key stakeholders,
                 which hydrogen will burn is much                                  including HSE, to support the safe
                 wider than methane (4–75.6 per cent by   EFFECT ON MATERIALS      transition of the network to a low
                 volume, compared to 5–15 per cent by   Replacing natural gas with hydrogen   carbon hydrogen economy.
                 volume for methane) and widens with   has its pitfalls, starting with how it
                 increasing temperature or pressure.   affects the pipelines it travels in and the    To access to IGEM’s search engine
                   The minimum ignition energy of   appliances that use it.        of hydrogen knowledge, visit the
                 hydrogen is 0.02mJ, significantly lower   Hydrogen embrittlement can occur   Hydrogen Knowledge Centre at www.
                 than methane at 0.29mJ.          in metals such as steel. Embrittlement
                   The burning velocity of hydrogen   takes place when a material absorbs
                 is around eight times greater than   hydrogen atoms. As a result, it loses its
                 methane. This characteristic can lead to   flexibility and ability to carry loads. The   References
                 increased risk of flashback and damage   material then cracks or fractures under   1. HM Government, Net Zero Strategy: Build Back
                 to gas appliances.               pressures it would normally withstand.  Greener, October 2021
                   Higher burning velocity, lower ignition   During pipeline transportation   2. United Nations Framework Convention on
                 temperature and wider flammable   there is risk of hydrogen causing   Climate Change –
                 range may lead to easy and undesired   embrittlement and loss of ductility.   and-meetings/the-paris-agreement/the-paris-
                 combustion if the gas is leaked.  The level of degradation will depend   agreement/key-aspects-of-the-paris-agreement
                   Whether the hydrogen ignites and   on operating pressure, temperature,   3. National Grid ESO, Future Energy Scenarios
                 detonates will depend on concentration,   concentration, type, and quality of the   2019, July 2019
                 leakage conditions, room ventilation,   material used to transport it.   4. HM Government, UK Hydrogen Strategy,
                 and proximity to ignition sources.   This is an area materials scientists   October 2021
                                                  are trying to tackle as part of the   5. Royal Society of Chemistry,
                 VISIBILITY AND ODOUR             UK’s hydrogen research. IGEM’s    periodic-table/element/1/hydrogen
                 Hydrogen is a colourless, odourless   Hydrogen Knowledge Centre will   6. Imperial College London; Sustainable Gas
                 and tasteless gas. Compounds such as   continue to share the latest research   Institute, A greener gas grid: What are the
                 mercaptans and thiophanes are used to   as it emerges, supported by hydrogen   options? July 2017
                 scent natural gas, which burns with a   projects currently underway across   7. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,
                 distinctive blue flame.          the UK and internationally.       Large-scale storage of hydrogen, March 2019
                   In terms of safety, flame visibility is   IGEM’s reference standard for   8. Hydrogen Europe, Gas Infrastructure Europe,
                 an important feature. Hydrogen burns   low pressure hydrogen utilisation   How to transport and store hydrogen – Facts and
                 with a less visible flame than natural   presents the effects of hydrogen on a   figures, April 2021
                 gas and can often be difficult to see.   variety of materials including metals,   9. Energy Networks Association, A System for All
                 There is ongoing research into methods   polymers and elastomers. The standard   Seasons, October 2021
                 to colour or otherwise indicate the   identifies a number of gaps in materials   10. Institution of Gas Engineers & Managers,
                 presence of the flame.           that require further study, to fully   IGEM/H/1 Reference Standard for low pressure
                   As hydrogen is odourless, it will be   understand the impact of long-term   hydrogen utilisation, May 2021


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