Page 31 - Gi_April2022
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34 38 40
32 industrial affiliates 38 spotlight on 40 events
National Grid granted £1.5m Ofgem EngTechs Let the roar continue
funding for net zero innovation projects In our ongoing series of case studies, we’ve David Goodall, IGEM London, Southern &
MP promotes carbon monoxide safety been speaking to some of our members Eastern Section committee member, reports
with Cadent about their career journeys, how IGEM on his final London Showcase event as he
Wales & West Utilities colleagues dig deep has supported them so far, and what hangs up his hat as lead organiser
their thoughts on the future of gas are.
34 YPPC Ryan Mallin is a Compliance Specialist at 42 technical, membership, calendar
Cadent and has recently been successful
Stornoway odorant changeover project in transferring his IGEM membership from Technical standards
Luke Macdonald, Engineering Manager (SIU) EngTech to IEng via the technical report Diary dates
at SGN and YPPC 2021 second runner-up, option. Here, he tells IGEM Marketing Welcome to our new members
presents his paper from the final Assistant Jodie Shepherd his story so far New Industrial Affiliate members for IGEM
44 gas people
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