Page 29 - Gi_April2022
P. 29

volumes for electricity generation,
                                                                                   but increase gas back-up capacity
                                                                                   requirements for when the wind doesn’t
                                                                                   blow and the sun doesn’t shine.
                                                                                   ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN BUILDINGS
                                                                                   It’s doing the rounds on social media at
                                                                                   the moment, but we could be reducing
                                                                                   our gas demand by our boilers
                                                                                   operating more efficiently so that
                                                                                   condensing boilers actually condense.
                                                                                   We can help to do this by encouraging
                                                                                   heating engineers to reduce the
                                                                                   flow temperature of combi boilers
                                                                                   wherever possible while conducting
                                                                                   the annual service. We can also
                                                                                   consider our thermostat setting to
                                                                                   use less gas and check if a one-degree
                                                                                   drop is tolerable to the comfort
                                                                                   requirements of the household.

                                                                                   There’s a balance to achieve
                                                                                   to make sure our demands
                                                                                   for energy – when and where
                                                                                   we want it – are met in a
                                                                                   way that’s affordable and
                                                                                   compliant with a trajectory to
                                                                                   achieve net zero, while meeting
                                                                                   carbon budgets all along the
                                                                                   way to 2050

                                                                                     We should also be going full tilt on
                                                                                   getting no-brainer insulation through
                                                                                   easy lofts to top-up and easy wall
                                                                                   cavities to fill, which are currently
                                                                                   untouched. It’s unlikely that the deep
                                                                                   and hard measures can be delivered at
                                                                                   scale to make an impact this year – and
                   And although it hurts to say it, some   are dust, or on their way to being such.  they come with significant cost and
                 coal muscle will definitely be needed –   New plans for renewable generation   disruption that presents a willingness
                 that’s if the logistics of coal supply can   assets won’t be here in time to help   and affordability issue to implement.
                 be maintained and opened up enough   next winter. But hurrying, by any   Believe it or not, there’s plenty of
                 from secure sources to provide for the   means possible, those with consent and   schools with single glazing, including one
                 capacity of operational plants to come   adequate supply chains that are ready   down the road from me – it has brand new
                 into full swing.                 to build and connect to the electricity   efficient boilers but an extremely leaky
                   Germany has a vast coal generation   grid should definitely be in the mosaic   fabric – it’s appalling. Local government
                 capacity and many coal mines, where   of actions right now.       needs access to money to get this kind of
                 the expansion of one mine recently   And put wind first in any hurrying   work scheduled this year.
                 involved the demolition of a cathedral.   – it’s been a very windy start to 2022   Actions to add easy insulation and
                 Can the Netherlands, Spain, Italy   and that’s helped limit the use of highly   adjust boiler and heating controls will
                 and France creak their units to full   priced gas. Solar is all well and good at   also soften the blow slightly for the
                 throttle when needed? And on our own   reducing gas demand in the daytime   horrendous bill shock that households
                 doorstep, which of the UK’s plants can   in the summer, and somewhat in the   are facing from the start of April and with
                 be called into action for next winter?   shoulder months of spring and autumn,   the expected further rise later this year.
                 Can West Burton be persuaded to keep   but it’ll do almost nothing to help out in   As we learned from the recent housing
                 going? Can Drax be available? Can   winter. Those campaigning for solar as   report from the gas networks, published
                 Radcliffe-on-Soar take all four units   the answer to our heat decarbonisation   by EUA, the analysis suggests 7-10 million
                 through instead of the three apparently   woes need a reality check. And let’s   homes could be suitable for a heat pump
                 available via capacity auctions? Are   not forget that with more intermittent   without significant insulation measures,
                 any recently decommissioned plants   generation that’s installed, more   but may need heat distribution
                 reversable from retirement where   back-up capacity is needed – and   upgrades to pipework and radiators
                 demolition hasn’t started, like Fiddlers   that’s met most easily with distributed   and therefore have plastering and
                 Ferry, Cottam and Aberthaw? The rest   gas engines. Renewables reduce gas   redecoration to take into consideration.


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