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industry & Government news


                                                                                                BUSINESS SECRETARY KWASI KWARTENG
                 UK ADVISERS URGE TOUGHER                                          ourselves from the kind of price
                                                                                   volatility we are seeing is to pursue
                                                                                   net zero,” says Stark. “It’s a winning
                 CLIMATE TESTS ON NEW OIL                                          strategy for the climate; it’s also a very
                                                                                   good strategy for energy security.”
                                                                                     In a letter to the UK Business
                 AND GAS PROJECTS                                                  Secretary Kwasi Kwarteng, the CCC
                                                                                   said there should be a “presumption
                                                                                   against exploration” and that ending
                                                                                   new exploration would send a “clear
                 ENDING NEW UK oil and gas        are “naive” because it will take too long   signal” the UK is committed to the goal
                 production is credible and would send   and won’t change what consumers pay   of keeping the world’s temperature
                 a clear signal to the world that the   because prices are set internationally.  below 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels.
                 country is serious about meeting global   “The very best way to shelter   “We think an end to UK production is
                 temperature goals, according to the UK                            credible,” says Stark.
                 government’s climate advisers.                                      However, the advisers said they
                   But the Climate Change Committee                                couldn’t tell the government to stop
                 (CCC) stopped short of urging an end                              approving new fields because the
                 to issuing new oil and gas exploration                            impact of such a move on global oil and
                 licences, calling instead for a                                   gas production was too unclear and
                 tightening of proposed government                                 there are energy security and job issues
                 tests to decide whether new projects                              that are beyond the CCC’s remit which
                 are compatible with climate targets,                              are for politicians to consider.
                 reports New Scientist.                                              The Department for Business,
                   The independent group also said it                              Energy and Industrial Strategy has
                 wanted to “bust the myth” that drilling                           proposed a series of tests for future oil
                 for more oil and gas was the answer to                            and gas licensing, called the climate
                 the current shock of high energy prices,                          compatibility checkpoint, for which
                 as some have suggested. Chris Stark, the                          a government consultation ended in
                 Chief Executive of the CCC, said those               CHRIS STARK, THE CHIEF   February. These tests are welcome but
                 advocating ramping up UK production                   EXECUTIVE OF THE CCC  need to be stronger, the letter said.


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