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international news


                 US POWER TO CURB CARBON EMISSIONS                                                              LEV RADIN / SHUTTERSTOCK.COM

                                                                                             THE CASE THREATENS TO UNDERMINE PRESIDENT
                                                                                               BIDEN’S PLANS TO TACKLE CLIMATE CHANGE

                 CONSERVATIVE US SUPREME Court    indicated that any broad assertion of   Electric Institute, an investor-owned
                 justices seem sceptical of the federal   authority sought by the EPA would   utility trade group.
                 government’s authority to issue   constitute a “major question” that under   The rule proposed by Trump, a
                 sweeping regulations to reduce carbon   court precedent requires Congress to   supporter of the US coal industry who
                 emissions from power plants in a case   have expressly authorised it.  also questioned climate change science,
                 that could undermine President Joe   “You are claiming that the   was meant to supplant Democratic
                 Biden’s plans to tackle climate change,   interpretation gives you the authority   former President Barack Obama’s
                 reports Reuters.                 to set industrial policy and energy   Clean Power Plan mandating major
                   The court, whose 6-3 conservative   policy and balance such things as   reductions in carbon emissions from
                 majority has shown wariness toward   jobs, economic impact, the potentially   the power industry.
                 broad federal agency actions, was   catastrophic effects of climate   The Supreme Court blocked Clean
                 weighing the Environmental Protection   change as well as costs,” Alito told US   Power Plan implementation in 2016
                 Agency’s (EPA) authority to regulate   Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar,   without ruling on its lawfulness.
                 greenhouse gas emissions from existing   representing Biden’s administration.  Coal-aligned groups want the justices
                 coal- and gas-fired power plants under   The Supreme Court is reviewing the   to rule that Biden’s administration
                 the landmark Clean Air Act.      US Court of Appeals for the District   cannot take a sweeping approach to
                   Although some justices questioned   of Columbia Circuit’s 2021 decision   regulating carbon emissions under
                 the EPA’s power in an abstract sense, it   striking down Republican former   Section 111. Such a decision would
                 remained unclear how they would rule,   President Donald Trump’s Affordable   prevent the EPA from enforcing
                 as lawyers representing the EPA and   Clean Energy rule. That regulation   industry-wide changes, limiting it to
                 power companies pushed back against   would have imposed limits on a Clean   actions targeting individual plants.
                 a decision that would prevent the   Air Act provision called Section 111 that   That would be a blow for the
                 agency from issuing any regulation that   provides the EPA authority to regulate   administration, which wants the US
                 went “outside the fenceline” - meaning   emissions from existing power plants.  power sector decarbonised by 2035.
                 beyond restrictions on individual plants.  The case was pursued by Republican-  If Biden’s administration loses the
                   An eventual ruling restricting the   led states led by coal producer West   case, Congress would need to pass
                 EPA’s authority could hamstring the   Virginia. Other challengers include coal   new legislation for the government
                 administration’s ability to curb the   companies and coal-friendly industry   to impose sweeping climate-
                 power sector’s emissions – representing   groups. Coal is among the most   related regulations – unlikely given
                 about a quarter of US greenhouse gases.   greenhouse gas-intensive fuels.  congressional divisions.
                 The United States, behind only China in   Democratic-led states and   Prelogar said the EPA will unveil a
                 greenhouse gas emissions, is a pivotal   major power companies including   proposed new regulation by the end of
                 player in efforts to combat climate   Consolidated Edison Inc, Exelon Corp   the year, which would likely come after
                 change on a global basis.        and PG&E Corp sided with Biden’s   the Supreme Court’s ruling – expected
                   Conservative Justice Samuel Alito   administration, as did the Edison   by the end of June.


                                                                                                                  17/03/2022   11:14
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