Page 7 - Gi_April2022
P. 7

industry & government news



                 A CALL BY MPs for Ofgem to be given   Directors Disqualification Act 1986,   rocketed last autumn.
                 extra powers to hold bust energy   which bans directors if they are found   The Conservative MP for North
                 company founders to account is likely   guilty of unfit conduct.  East Bedfordshire asked: “About the
                 to prove futile, experts say.      Currently this includes fraud, trading   companies that have exited, have you
                   It follows confirmation that the   while insolvent, or using company money   got any powers of redress on those
                 energy price cap is rising by a huge   or assets for personal benefit or not   companies? Because there’s obviously an
                 margin this year, with energy bills set to   paying tax, among other misdemeanours.  opportunity for a company to get into the
                 jump by £693 from April – a rise of 54   However, Mr Rycroft said that to   energy market, they price themselves low,
                 per cent according to The i newspaper.  target directors of energy companies   and get lots of customers.
                   It will hit around 22 million   specifically and allow Ofgem to increase   “They pay themselves a lot of money
                 customers who are already struggling to   fines, a brand-new statute would need   as executives and businesses and then
                 afford other everyday essentials such as   to be approved by Parliament.  poof – the business goes bust but they
                 food, rent and fuel.               He added: “It would be unusual to   pay themselves.”
                   A series of electricity and gas   target specific industries like this, but    Mr Fuller asked what current redress
                 providers have gone bust amid the   it is possible.”              powers the regulator has in these
                 energy price crisis.               Earlier this year, MP Richard Fuller,   circumstances.
                   Gary Rycroft, a member of the   a member of the Business Energy and   In response, Jonathan Brearley, Chief
                 Law Society’s council membership   Industrial Strategy Select Committee,   Executive Officer of Ofgem, said no
                 committee, said that “in theory” the UK   questioned Ofgem on its lack of action   such powers existed, adding: “We don’t
                 government could introduce secondary   after 27 “challenger” energy companies   have redress in those circumstances, I
                 legislation to extend the Company   went bust as wholesale energy prices   think we should.”



                   THE CLIMATE CHANGE Committee’s   In a statement, the Commission said
                   (CCC) former Vice Chair Baroness   it is concerned that the strategy is not
                   Brown is among the members of a   currently ambitious enough – or clear
                   new Hydrogen Policy Commission,   enough on support to meet long-term
                   which will advise policymakers as the   goals – to attract private investment.
                   green and blue hydrogen sectors scale   Earlier this year, trade body the
                   up in the UK.                   Energy Networks Association (ENA)
                    Senior representatives from the   recommended that the government
                   Conservative Party, Labour Party and   target 10GW of low carbon hydrogen
                   Liberal Democrats will join Baroness   generation by 2030 and provide extra
                   Brown as Commission members,    funding to deliver this target.
                   as well as experts in hydrogen from   Other concerns that have been
                   the UK’s private sector and senior   voiced about the strategy include its
                   academics, reports sustainability   focus on blue hydrogen, made using
                   website edie.                   natural gas co-located with carbon
                    The Commission will, in the first   capture technology; and whether
                   instance, conduct an assessment   the government is prioritising the
                   of the UK government’s Hydrogen   right end-user sectors of hydrogen to
                   Strategy, with a report due out later   maximise cost and carbon savings.  FORMER CCC VICE CHAIR BARONESS BROWN
                   this year. It has planned an eight-  The Commission will assess these   in the global technology race.
                   month engagement programme with   concerns as well as identify a pathway   “Hydrogen is a real opportunity for
                   representatives from industry and   for the UK government to become a   the UK, with a key role to play in the
                   academia, as well as senior officials   global leader in the export of hydrogen   resilient zero-carbon energy system
                   from national and local government.  and related technologies. Baroness   we need to meet the challenges of
                    The Hydrogen Strategy was      Brown has stated that, at present, the   the changing climate and of global
                   published last August and builds on the   UK risks “repeating the same mistakes”   politics,” said Baroness Brown. “The
                   commitment made in the 10-Point Plan   made with wind turbines and battery   UK missed the boat on battery and
                   for the UK to host 5GW of “low carbon”   technologies, which have allowed   wind technology, we can’t afford to
                   hydrogen generation capacity by 2030.  nations including China to pull ahead   miss the boat on hydrogen.”


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