Page 8 - Gi_April2022
P. 8

industry & Government news



                 THE OWNER OF the shale fracking
                 company Cuadrilla will permanently
                 plug and abandon its two shale wells in
                 Lancashire, reports The Guardian.
                   Cuadrilla set out plans to
                 permanently seal the two shale gas
                 wells drilled at the Preston New Road
                 Lancashire shale exploration site a little
                 over two years after the government
                 brought an end to fracking in England.
                   Francis Egan, Chief Executive of
                 Cuadrilla, said the government’s oil
                 and gas regulator had ordered the
                 “ridiculous” shutdown of the wells in the
                 northern Bowland Shale gas formation
                 despite Europe’s gas supply crisis.
                   “At a time when the UK is spending
                 billions of pounds annually importing
                 gas from all corners of the globe, and gas
                 prices for hard-pressed UK households
                 are rocketing, the UK government has
                 chosen this moment to ask us to plug
                 and abandon the only two viable shale
                 gas wells in Britain,” Egan said.
                   The UK’s failed shale industry has
                 consistently argued that fracking could
                 help to secure gas supplies, but the
                 claims have been disputed by others
                 who have said shale gas would not help
                 to lower UK energy bills.
                   According to The Guardian, the Oil
                 and Gas Authority (OGA) originally
                 called for the wells to be shut down last   CUADRILLA HAS CALLED TIME ON UK SHALE
                 summer and gave Cuadrilla until June
                 this year to complete the work.  years of bitter opposition from climate   warned the practice could not be
                   The government brought in a de   campaigners and local protest groups   carried out safely without the risk of
                 facto ban on fracking in late 2019 after   as a study by the industry regulator   triggering earth tremors.


                   THE UK’S ENERGY sector was the   cost of cyberattacks trickle down to   multifactor authentication on every
                   target of 24 per cent of all cybersecurity   consumers, with this coming at a time   remote access point into a network,
                   incidents in the country last year, new   of increased pressure on the energy   adopting a layered approach to
                   research from IBM Security has found.  industry and rising energy costs   combat phishing, refining and
                    This makes the energy sector the   for consumers as a result of Ofgem   maturing vulnerability management
                   most targeted industry, followed by the   increasing the price cap.  systems and developing a response
                   manufacturing and financial services   There is therefore an urgent need   plan for ransomware.
                   sectors, which each received 19 per cent   for robust cyber resiliency in the   Laurance Dine, Global Partner,
                   of all attacks, according to Current±.  energy industry alongside the other   X-Force Incident Response, IBM, said:
                    In 2021, the UK became one of the   critical industries most targeted,   “Businesses must start operating
                   top three most attacked countries in   the report said, detailing several   under the assumption of compromise,
                   Europe, IBM Security’s 2022 X Force   recommendations organisations can   putting the proper controls in place
                   Threat Intelligence Index found, along   take to better secure their networks   to defend their environment and
                   with Germany and Italy.         from cyber threats.             protect critical data.”
                    The report highlighted how the   These include implementing      Ransomware has accounted for


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