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igem news

                   MEMBERSHIP Latest news from the Membership Services team

                 NEW INDUSTRIAL AFFILIATE                                            WELCOME TO OUR

                 MEMBERS FOR IGEM                                                    NEW MEMBERS

                                                                                     IGEM would like to welcome the following
                 IGEM is pleased to introduce its newest Industrial Affiliate members  people who have joined the institution or
                                                                                     transferred grades

                                                                                     CHARTERED MEMBER (CENG MIGEM)  
                                                                                     Simon Lees
                                                                                     Mark Backler

                                                                                     INCORPORATED MEMBER (IENG MIGEM)
                                                                                     Ryan Mallin

                                                                                     ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN (ENGTECH MIGEM)
                                                                                     David Schofield

                                                                                     ASSOCIATE (AIGEM)
                                                                                     Daniel Ward
                                                                                     Warwick Miller
                                                                                     Lorenzo Carpanini
                                                                                     Wendy Cheung
                                                                                     Stuart Bishop
                                                                                     Joseph Foxon
                                                                                       Steven Donald
                                                                                       Farzan Fassihi-Tash
                                                                                       Lee Gould
                                                                                      Colin McNaught
                                                                                      Alan Munn
                                                                                     Lee Sheath
                                                                                     Claire Wilcox
                                                                                     Christopher Williams
                                                                                     Jason Allsop
                                                                                     Yuk Bor Choy
                                                                                     Ian Ford
                                                                                     GRADUATE (GRADIGEM)
                                                                                     Alisdair Macleod
                                                                                     Nicholas Athanassiou

                                                                                     Jacobs’ gas engineering team is
                                                                                   based predominantly within the
                                                                                   Birmingham, UK, office providing
                                                                                   engineering services associated
                                                                                   with high-pressure gas transmission
                                                                                   infrastructure projects.

                 City Building (Glasgow) LLP      Jacobs UK                        CG Systems
                 One of Scotland’s largest construction   Jacobs believes in challenging today   CG Systems is a gas-biased mechanical
                 companies, City Building LLP provides   to reinvent tomorrow by solving the   contractor, carrying out installations,
                 a range of repairs and maintenance,   world’s most critical problems for   commissioning, de-commissioning and
                 manufacturing, construction, and   thriving cities, resilient environments,   servicing on gas-fired appliances.
                 refurbishment activities across the   mission-critical outcomes, operational
                 public, private and third sectors.    advancement, scientific discovery and   ASSETT
                 As well as providing the largest   cutting-edge manufacturing, turning   ASSETT is an engineering consultancy
                 construction craft apprenticeship   abstract ideas into realities that   providing services to the oil and gas
                 programme in Scotland, the business   transform the world for good. With $14   industry specifically tailored around
                 operates Royal Strathclyde Blindcraft   billion in revenue and a talent force of   asset management, helping clients
                 Industries (RSBi), one of the largest   approximately 55,000 people, Jacobs   to extract maximum value from their
                 supported manufacturing businesses   provides a full spectrum of professional   investments. From the wellhead to the
                 in Europe. RSBi employs more than   services including consulting,   distribution network, ASSETT can be
                 250 people, over 50 per cent of which   technical, scientific and project delivery   relied on as a trusted partner across the
                 have a disability.               for the government and private sector.   full range of assets.


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