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igem news


                 STEPHEN HAMMOND                                           
                 GRADE: Chartered                                          
                 SECTION: North West                                       

                 HJA ‘HENRY’ DAVIES                                 JOURNAL OF THE INSTITUTION OF
                 GRADE: Chartered
                 SECTION: Welsh                                     GAS ENGINEERS AND MANAGERS
                 AGE: 88

                 COLIN SLATER                                                      DIGEST
                                                                                   Treasury’s rebate
                 GRADE: Chartered                                                scheme attempts to tackle
                                                                                  cost of living crisis
                                                                                   Net zero: government
                                                                                 not doing enough to meet
                                                                                  2050 climate change
                                                                                  target, report claims
                 SECTION: Midlands                                    MARCH 2022  scheme for social housing
                                                                                   Government introduces
                                                                                  £179m energy efficiency
                 AGE: 73
                                                                                                       FOUNDED 1863
                 BTECH CENG MIGEM AMIMECHE    1941 – 2021                                          ROYAL CHARTER 1929
                 Chris Hartley passed away at home on 16 December 2021,   THE DIGITAL
                 following a period of deteriorating health. Chris was very   ENERGY SYSTEM
                 much a practical man and at his happiest when working on   And how to deliver it
                 projects at home or at work.                       Covers.indd   1  24/02/2022   10:17
                                                                    Covers.indd   1
                                                                                    24/02/2022   10:17
                   After leaving school in 1960, he joined the National Coal   PATRON      PRODUCED AND DESIGNED
                 Board as an Engineering Trainee. While working for the NCB,   Her Majesty The Queen  BY SYON MEDIA
                 Chris attended Bradford University, where he gained an   PRESIDENT        + 44 (0) 203 900 0145
                 honours degree in Mechanical Engineering.          Ben Clarke   
                   In 1967, Chris left the NCB and joined East Midlands Gas,   CEng FIGEM IET
                 from where he moved to Northern Gas in 1975, becoming                                        ©
                 District Engineer for Gateshead, Blaydon, Ryton and   PRESIDENT ELECT
                 Prudhoe in 1977.                                   David Parkin
                                                                    CEng FIGEM
                   Chris held the positions of Methods Engineer and
                 Engineering Systems Manager in Northern Gas HQ, prior to   VICE PRESIDENT  Published by IGEM
                 joining Transco in 1994. His final role was to manage the   Andrew Musgrave  T: +44(0)1509 678 159
                 integration of the 14 regional computer systems into one   CEng FIGEM     E:
                 data centre at Hinkley, a project of which he remained proud   HONORARY SECRETARY  IGEM House,
                 throughout his retirement.                         Gordon Davies          26 & 28 High Street, Kegworth
                   Following retirement in 1996, Chris and his wife Margaret   CEng FIGEM  Derby
                 moved to North Yorkshire, where they both enjoyed walking   CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER  DE74 2DA.
                 and took active roles in the local community.      Oliver Lancaster       Registered Charity No. 214011
                   Chris continued to enjoy all things practical and carried out   BSc MSc FGS EngTech FIGEM
                 many DIY improvements to their home, also assisting both                  ISSN 1755-5477
                 his daughter Sarah and his son Robert in completing DIY   EDITORIAL & SUBSCRIPTION
                 projects as their families grew.                   ENQUIRIES:             It is believed that the
                                                                    Sharon Baker-Hallam
                                                                                           statements made in this
                   He touched the lives of all who met him and will be fondly   BA Hons AIGEM   publication are based
                 remembered by all who knew him.                    T: +44(0)1509 678 186  on accurate and reliable
                                                                    E:  information. The views
                                                                                           expressed are not necessarily
                 DR EDGAR BARRETT ‘BARRY’ GRAHAM                    ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES  those of the publisher. No
                                                                                           liability can be accepted for
                                                                    Ian James
                 BSC PHD MIGEM    1935 – 2021                       T: +44(0)20 3900 0146  any error or omission.
                 Dr Graham gained his degree in 1956 and his PhD in 1958 in   E:
                 Chemical Engineering from Imperial College, London.
                   He then worked for Monsanto for five years, including a   SUBSCRIPTION RATES
                                                                    UK: £129.99 per annum
                 two-year exchange working in the US from 1958 to 1960.   Overseas: £169.99 ($266)
                   In 1963, he joined the Gas Council (now British Gas) and   per annum
                 was privileged to participate in tremendous technological
                 changes over a 30-year career in the gas industry.
                   He specialised in low temperature gas storage and
                 transmission, rising through the ranks of senior management
                 to become Head of Technology Assessment in the research
                 and technology division.
                   After his retirement in 1993, he continued to take great   UNLESS STATED ALL IMAGES ARE CREDITED TO SHUTTERSTOCK.COM
                 interest in following the developments in gas engineering.


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