Page 40 - Gi_March2022
P. 40

igem news


                 DOUBLE STANDARD

                 Two new supplements to IGEM standards with particular               Training providers who wish to
                 importance for the downstream gas industry have been              deliver training to new entrants
                 released and are now available via the institution’s website      are required to have their training
                                                                                   programmes approved by either
                 IGEM/IG/1 SUPPLEMENT 2 DOMESTIC    b)  in the case of a currently or   a Recogniser of Training or by the
                 TRAINING SPECIFICATION             previously registered person, where   Authoriser (currently IGEM).
                 This specification is a supplement to   they have proved competence   New entrant training for domestic
                 the IGEM/IG/1 Standards of training   through a certification scheme; or  natural gas shall meet the requirements
                 in gas work document, which is the   c)  for those working at premises that fall   of this specification which has been
                 only recognised standard approved by   outside the scope of the regulations   updated by a panel from industry,
                 the Standard Setting Body (SSB) and   (see regulation 2(4) and associated   training providers, recognisers, the SSB
                 required in ACoP L56. The relevant   guidance), by a person who has   and regulatory bodies.
                 parts of this specification are also   successfully completed an appropriate   The specification stipulates the
                 applicable to persons wishing to   full training course followed by   subjects and duration required for
                 extend range or scope (as defined in   assessment of competence.  both off-site training (undertaken in
                 Guidance Note 8 (GN8)).          82. Training should be of a standard   a classroom or workshop) and the
                                                  to enable a gas engineer to achieve   requirements for building an on-site (in
                 Safety in the installation and use of gas   competence in the safe installation,   the workplace) portfolio of evidence.
                 systems and appliances; Approved Code   purging, commissioning, testing,   The specification recognises the
                 of Practice and guidance L56; ACoP 3(1)   servicing, maintenance, repair,   importance of new entrants spending
                 paragraphs 81 and 82 state:      disconnection, modification and   time on-site with a mentor and provides
                 81. Gas work should only be undertaken:  dismantling of the gas systems, fittings   detailed requirements for building a
                 a)  by a person, who has successfully   and appliances with which they are   portfolio of evidence. The portfolio is
                   completed an industry-recognised   working. This should include an   to include details of the numbers and
                   training course followed by    adequate knowledge of:           types of jobs completed by the new
                   assessment of competence.      a)  relevant associated services such as   entrant under the supervision of a
                   Training that leads to assessment of   water and electricity;   mentor. The portfolio of evidence is to
                   competence in safe gas work should   b) the potential exposure to asbestos;   be reviewed by the Training Provider
                   be recognised by the industry’s   c) the dangers they may give rise to;   or Recogniser of Training prior to a
                   standards setting body, or     d) the precautions to take.      certificate of training being issued.


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