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                                                  How do Guarantee of Origin schemes work?   climate value market mechanisms. This
                                                  As illustrated in Figure 1, it is key to   drives the need to explore how hydrogen
                                                  emphasise that a GoO market (i.e.,   GoOs could interact with existing
                                                  digital document market) is separate to   mechanisms such as UK Renewable
                                                  the physical energy commodity market.   Energy Guarantees of Origin⁶ (REGOs),
                                                    The core principle of a GoO scheme   the UK carbon Emissions Trading
                                                  is that one GoO can be issued for each   Scheme⁷ (UK ETS), Renewable Gas
                                                  energy unit (i.e., MWh or kWh) of   Guarantees of Origin⁸ (RGGOs), etc.
                                                  eligible energy product. For example,   As low carbon gases increasingly
                                                  the issue of one low carbon hydrogen   penetrate the UK’s gas networks during
                                                  GoO would be verified by metering   the transition to net zero, it will become
                                                  evidence from 1MWh of eligible low   essential to have a system such as a
                                                  carbon hydrogen production.      GoO scheme to track, account for and
                                                    When a GoO is issued, the ownership   associate a climate value for low carbon
                                                  of a GoO can be transferred from the   gases such as hydrogen.
                                                  energy producer to the buyer of the GoO
                                                  (this could be a trader, a supplier, etc).   What are the benefits of
                                                  When the GoO is sold to an end user,   a UK hydrogen GoO scheme?
                                                  the GoO would then be cancelled to   Hydrogen GoOs could provide benefits
                                                  prevent any double counting.     to market participants across the UK’s
                                                                                   gas industry value chain.
                                                  Why explore a UK hydrogen          Benefits to hydrogen producers:
                                                  Guarantee of Origin scheme?      As illustrated in Figure 2, hydrogen
                                                  There are several reasons why hydrogen   GoOs could provide an additional
                                                  GoOs are likely to be extremely relevant   revenue stream for hydrogen producers
                                                  for UK gas market participants.  (on top of remuneration for the physical
                                                    To begin with, there is wide industry   hydrogen commodity) to maximise the
                                                  consensus that low carbon gases will be   climate value attributes of their low
                                                  essential to meeting the UK’s ambitious   carbon energy product.
                                                  net zero targets 2,3,4 . This will require the   The sale of GoOs would also enable
                                                  UK to scale up production and end use   hydrogen producers to gain information
                                                  of low carbon gases such as biomethane   on consumer appetite for their product,
                                                  and hydrogen. However, because it is   providing evidence that could justify
                                                  impossible to know the origin of gas   expanding hydrogen production
                                                  molecules consumers receive at the   facilities to meet consumer demand.
                                                  meter, a certification scheme such as a   As a market mechanism, hydrogen
                                                  GoO scheme will be essential to track,   GoOs could generate an important
                                                  account for and associate a climate   revenue stream to incentivise low carbon
                                                  value premium for low carbon gases,   hydrogen production to support the UK’s
                                                  including hydrogen.              overarching goal of decarbonisation.
                                                    We also know that extensive work
                                                  is taking place in the EU on hydrogen    Benefits to hydrogen transporters:
                 Defining Guarantees of Origin:   GoOs, and it will be important for the UK   A hydrogen GoO scheme could benefit
                 Guarantees of Origin are digital documents   to understand these developments to   hydrogen transporters as GoOs enable
                 that capture information on the origin   ensure compatibility and benefit future   virtual trade ahead of physical change.
                 of energy products. A GoO includes   cross border hydrogen GoO trade. For   For example, if low carbon hydrogen is
                 information such as how, when and where   example, CertifHy⁵ is an EU-funded   blended into the UK’s existing natural
                 an energy product was generated.   project exploring the development of an   gas networks, there would be no means
                   Although buying GoOs does not   EU hydrogen GoO scheme.         to differentiate the hydrogen products
                 influence the energy that enters   In addition, the development of a   from the natural gas products without a
                 consumer meters (because it is   UK hydrogen GoO scheme would have   certification system such as a GoO scheme
                 impossible to physically trace where   important implications for existing UK   in place. Hydrogen GoOs could therefore
                 molecules or electrons go once injected
                 into the respective gas or electricity
                 energy systems), GoOs enable an audit   FIGURE 1 ILLUSTRATION OF HOW A HYDROGEN GOO SCHEME COULD OPERATE
                 trail to account for the production of
                 energy products as well as providing a
                 means to associate an additional value for
                 the climate attributes of energy products.
                   One of the most important features
                 of a GoO is that a GoO can be de-
                 coupled and traded independently
                 from the physical energy commodity
                 it represents. In this way, GoOs can be
                 used to maximise the climate value
                 attributes of an energy product.


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