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igem news

                 fields within the industry including the   my career and a springboard for further   decades to come. “Hydrogen certainly
                 YPN Chair George Brookfield.     career opportunities. It feels good to have   appears to offer a promising alternative
                   Lance is keen to advocate joining IGEM   recognition from a professional body   and we are at an exciting crossroads
                 to other field force staff, so that they too can   memorialising my experience and ability.  within the industry,” he adds.
                 empower their professional development   “IGEM brings together people from   He also extends special thanks to
                 – especially given that IGEM membership   all areas of the gas industry, at all stages   his current managers, Cadent’s Gareth
                 isn’t overly prevalent amongst field force   of their career journeys, affording   Lloyd, Matthew Harbour and Chris
                 engineers in his region.         networking opportunities to people who   Cocker, who he says have been a “great
                   “Since joining IGEM, I’ve actively   wouldn’t normally work together. If you   source of inspiration, encouragement
                 encouraged colleagues to join. I would   need information about anything, it’s   and support” in his career, all having
                 also recommend applying for the grant.   useful to have a broad range of people   risen through the ranks from being Gas
                 I was apprehensive about applying for   to turn to for support and advice.”   Safe engineers themselves.
                 it myself at first as I had only recently   Discussing his thoughts on the future
                 become a member, but I’m glad I did – if   of gas, Lance notes that the future of gas    If you’re interested in becoming an
                 you are considering apply for it, just go   clearly must evolve to tackle climate and   IGEM EngTech member, visit www.igem.
                 for it,” he says.                environmental change. He believes that for more information
                   “I feel that becoming professionally   the gas industry will remain relevant   or call our Membership Services team on
                 registered has provided a milestone in   as the main provider of heat energy for   +44(0)1509 678150.


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