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                 low carbon hydrogen molecules into the
                 UK’s existing natural gas networks.

                   Benefits to hydrogen consumers:
                 Hydrogen GoOs could enable gas
                 consumers to demonstrate their
                 commitment to decarbonisation and
                 make conscious choices on their energy
                 products. Hydrogen GoOs could act
                 as a key market mechanism to enable
                 consumers to generate market pull
                 forces for hydrogen products, essential
                 to the growth of a UK hydrogen market.
                   For example, consumers who could
                 and wanted to pay for hydrogen GoOs
                 would in turn provide an additional
                 revenue stream to low carbon
                 hydrogen producers. This would help   standard eligibility and enable cross-  The latest National Grid Gas
                 to grow a nascent hydrogen industry by   border GoO trade, as well as the option   Transmission Hydrogen Gas Market
                 supporting hydrogen producers as well   to include supplementary information   Plan project explored how a hydrogen
                 as contribute to economies of scale and   that consumers may associate   GoO scheme could benefit the
                 price reductions for hydrogen over time.   additional value to.   development and acceleration of a UK
                   It is key to note that there is currently                       hydrogen economy through gaining
                 no legal basis for gas GoOs in the UK   3 Role within wider market frameworks:   an understanding of industry views
                 and no regulatory framework for gas   UK hydrogen GoOs should aim to   on hydrogen GoOs and developing an
                 tariffs, however there is a legal basis   become a statutory mechanism, with   output to inform policy makers.
                 for REGOs operating within a regulated   legal basis to support their function
                 electricity tariff framework. Electricity   within wider market frameworks. For    The final Hydrogen Gas Market Plan
                 suppliers in the UK use REGOs to back   example, hydrogen GoOs could be used   report on this project exploring a UK
                 up ‘green’ electricity tariffs offered to   as evidence to back up green gas tariffs   hydrogen Guarantee of Origin scheme
                 consumers. Through offering green   offered to gas consumers, within a   will be published on the National Grid
                 tariffs, electricity suppliers engage their   regulated gas tariff framework.  Gas Transmission Hydrogen Focus Area
                 green-conscious consumers which                                   webpage in Q1 2022.
                 helps drive awareness, interest and   4 Interoperability: A UK hydrogen GoO
                 appetite in green electricity products.   scheme should seek interoperability    To view all the presentations from the
                 As part of this project, we explored the   across existing GoO schemes. For   YPPC Final, login to IGEMtv
                 benefits from hydrogen GoOs being   example, a renewable electricity GoO
                 used as evidence to support green gas   should be able to transfer the renewable   References
                 tariffs offered to gas consumers within a  attributes of the electricity GoO to a
                 regulated gas tariff framework.   hydrogen GoO in the case of power-to-  1. Hydrogen Gas Market Plan, 2022. Hydrogen
                   Ultimately, GoOs could be a key tool   gas, and vice versa.      Focus Area. Available at:
                 to empower consumers to engage in
                 and accelerate the development of a UK   5 Trade: A UK hydrogen GoO scheme   2. National Grid Future Energy Scenarios, 2021.
                                                                                    Future Energy Scenarios. Available at: www.
                 hydrogen market, through the purchase   should seek compatibility with
                 of GoOs enabling consumers to indicate   EU hydrogen GoO schemes as a   scenarios/fes-2021
                 their preference for specific hydrogen   priority, due to locality and shared   3. Climate Change Committee, 2020. Sixth
                 energy products.                 infrastructure, and seek compatibility   Carbon Budget. Available at:
                                                  with the global hydrogen GoO market as   publication/sixth-carbon-budget
                 Recommendations to implement a UK   global trade emerges.          4. UK Hydrogen Strategy, 2021. UK Hydrogen
                 hydrogen GoO scheme:                                               Strategy. Available at:
                 Finally, as part of this Hydrogen   6 Pilot scheme: A pilot UK hydrogen   publications/uk-hydrogen-strategy
                 GMaP project we developed a set of   GoO scheme should be developed as a   5. CertifHy, 2022. Designing the first EU-wide
                 recommendations for industry to   priority to trial the process of a hydrogen   hydrogen Guarantee of Origin for a new hydrogen
                 consider for implementation of a UK   GoO scheme and gain learnings on   market. Available at:
                 hydrogen GoO scheme. These included:  what information consumers may find   6. Ofgem, 2022. Renewable Energy Guarantees of
                 1 Timeline: A UK hydrogen GoO scheme   valuable within GoOs.       Origin (REGO). Available at:
                 should be developed to align with                                  energy-guarantees-origin-rego
                 physical hydrogen production.    Conclusion                        7. Department for Business, Energy and
                                                  A future UK hydrogen economy will   Industrial Strategy, 2022. Participating in the
                 2 Information to include: A UK hydrogen   need a mechanism to track, account for   UK ETS. Available at:
                 GoO scheme should be designed with   and associate a premium for low carbon   publications/participating-in-the-uk-ets/
                 the capacity to include a variety of   hydrogen products. A hydrogen GoO   participating-in-the-uk-ets
                 information on hydrogen products,   scheme could perform this role and act   8. Green Gas Certification Scheme, 2022. The
                 including mandatory information   as a key mechanism for consumers to   Green Gas Certification Scheme. Available at:
                 necessary to verify low carbon hydrogen   engage in a future hydrogen market.


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