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                  32 industrial affiliates         38 spotlight on                  42 technical, membership, calendar
                     Wales & West Utilities partners with Scouts    EngTechs           Technical standards
                  to raise awareness of carbon monoxide  In our series of case studies, we’ve been    Diary dates
                     Gas networks partnering with Citizens   speaking to some of our members, asking      Welcome to our new members
                  Advice to support more than 17,500    them about their careers to date, how IGEM        New Industrial Affiliate members for IGEM
                  vulnerable people               has supported them up to now and what
                     Completion of £300,000 project to protect   their thoughts are on the future of gas. Lance   44 obituaries
                  gas supply to a Cheshire village impacted   Newhouse is a Senior Emergency Engineer
                  by Storm Christoph              at Cadent and the recipient of the 2021    Stephen Hammond
                                                  EngTech Development Grant. Here, he tells    HJA ‘Henry’ Davies
                  34 YPPC                         IGEM Marketing Assistant Jodie Shepherd    Colin Slater
                                                  his story so far                   John Christopher ‘Chris’ Hartley
                   What role could Guarantees of Origin play                         Dr Edgar Barrett ‘Barry’ Graham
                 in driving a future hydrogen market for the   40 standards
                 Susannah Ferris, Hydrogen Market Strategy    Double standard
                 Lead at National Grid Gas Transmission and   Two new supplements to IGEM standards with
                 YPPC 2021 second runner-up, presents her   particular importance for the downstream
                 paper                            gas industry have been released and are now
                                                  available via the institution’s website


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