Page 29 - Gi_March2022
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                 Wayne Bostock, Regional Operations
                 Manager at City Energy Network said:
                 “SMARTester is a really useful bit of
                 kit for all our engineers.  It’s easy to
                 use and gives them complete piece
                 of mind that their work and pressure
                 tests have been carried out correctly
                 and accurately. It also offers clear
                 traceability to our engineers, our
                 company, and EDF.”                                                Cost Saving
                                                  pressure, the differential measurement   EDF is always looking for ways to reduce
                 Definitive Test Evidence         in pressure readings from initial   costs for the bill payer alongside safe
                 SMARTester captures a vast level of   tightness to final tightness testing. This   working practices. By introducing a highly
                 information, which Tom Heard, Quality   is an essential piece of information   accurate pressure tester across all their
                 Assurance at EDF, was particularly   to the Quality Assurance and Gas   engineers and contractors, this results
                 impressed with. The key piece of   Technical teams as these pressure   in fewer incidents and therefore less
                 information it delivers is whether a test   changes would indicate if any escape   investigations. In many cases, the engineer
                 has passed or failed but other variables   may have been created and it can be   in question is not able to continue to
                 such as the time of the test results and   rectified straight away.  work until the investigation is resolved.
                 the time between test results all help   Tom Heard said: “SMARTester has   Evidence gathered using the SMARTester
                 the Quality Assurance team to gather a   been worth its wait in gold with our   can provide proof of a competent
                 better understanding of each individual   contractors. It not only offers them   installation instantly, resolving incidents
                 job. SMARTester also produces a   and their engineers protection as it   in a matter of minutes, not weeks.
                 graph of test results showing the delta   proves a gas tight operation, but it also   Following the government’s pledge in
                                                  allows us to keep an eye on the test   2017 and subsequent extension, energy
                                                  results coming in. If we can identify   suppliers are required, by their licence,
                                                  any potential issues that need resolving   to take all reasonable steps to roll out
                                                  straight away, we can deliver the very   smart meters to all their domestic and
                                                  best in customer service.”       small business customers by the end
                                                                                   of 2024. EDF has already installed over
                                                                                   one million smart meters and each
                                                  SMARTester is configured so that   week is upgrading thousands more
                                                  no matter which type of meter is   meters to smart. With three million
                                                                                   residential and SME customers, EDF is
                                                  being tested it can respond with    on track to upgrade all of its customers
                                                  the right pressure parameters.     to smart.
                                                  This makes it simple for the     The Future of SMARTester
                                                  engineer who just has to select    SMARTester is capable of measuring
                                                  from the menu the model of meter   the pressure of any type of gas, making
                                                  they are working on.             it the ideal solution for all types of
                  A test in progress using SMARTester and the app                  future gases.

                  SMARTester dashboard showing evidence of tests carried out



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