Page 71 - JWP 120122
P. 71

The Collections of the Two Natives, Near Threatened Pteropid Species in Peninsular Malaysia by   63
               the Institute for Medical Research, Malaysia: The Large Flying Fox (Pteropus vampyrus) and
               Island Flying Fox (Pteropus hypomelanus)                              63
               The Collections of the Two Natives, Near Threatened Pteropid Species in Peninsular
                Malaysia by the Institute for Medical Research, Malaysia: The Large Flying Fox (Pteropus
               vampyrus) and Island Flying Fox (Pteropus hypomelanus)

               Data of specimen ID, the collection date, collector, sex (male/female), location
               and measurement in millimetre (mm) and weight in grams (g)  were recorded into
               SPSS version 22.0. The measurement and weight are important as mammalogists
               rely on this information for specimen identification as well as to study variation
               between different populations. The standard body measurements for bats include
               head and body length (HB), hind foot length (HF), ear length (E), forearm length
               (FA), tail vertebrae length (TV), tibial length (TB) and wingspan (WS). Tibial
               length was used to differentiate between an adult from a juvenile. All specimens
               with missing measurement were re-measured utilizing the ruler with Mitutoyo
               dial  calipers  adhered  to  the  North  American  measurement  as  per  guided  in
               Mammals Collectors’ Manual for the sake of consistency (Nagorsen & Peterson,

               The data was cleaned by a generation of frequency tables to remove redundancy
               due  to  the  same  entry  from  more  than  one  person.  Box-and  plot  graph  was
               generated  to  detect  the  outlier  and  the  data,  whilst  histogram  was  created  to
               determine  the  distribution  of  the  continuous  data.  Descriptive  analysis  was
               employed to describe the measurements and distribution of both species; while
               parametric  analysis  of  independent  t-test  was  used  to  compare  the  mean
               measurements  and  weights  between  male  and  female  P.  hypomelanus  and  P.
               vampyrus, only after the normality of data distribution has been assessed.

               The distribution of the two species based on collection location was displayed in
               Figure 2 prepared using QGIS software version 3.8. The base map was sourced
               from  the  Department  of  Survey  and  Mapping  Malaysia  and  OpenStreetMap
               (OpenStreetMap, 2020).
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