Page 74 - JWP 120122
P. 74

66 Heng Pei Pei, Lim Kuang Hock, Cheong Yoon Ling, Noraini Osman, Noraina Majid, Tan Poai Ean,
                    Shyamini Ann Samson, Ali Aman Marine, Mohd Hazilas Mat Hashim, Mohd Yahya Izral Umpong,
                                                             Balvinder Singh Gill & Lim Boo Liat
               66      Heng Pei Pei, Lim Kuang Hock, Cheong Yoon Ling, Noraini Osman, Noraina Majid,
                       Tan Poai Ean, Shyamini  Ann Samson,  Ali  Aman Marine, Mohd Hazilas Mat Hashim,
                                          Mohd Yahya Izral Umpong, Balvinder Singh Gill & Lim Boo Liat

               Table 2.  Descriptive analysis of measurements of P. hypomelanus (n=12)

                 Measurements        Minimum        Maximum       Mean (± SD)
                 HB (mm)                178            225        208.75(± 13.88)
                 FA (mm)                119            185        139.17(± 15.72)
                 HF (mm)                188            290        263.17(± 31.86)
                 TB (mm)                 57             80        66.67(± 5.58)
                 E (mm)                  25             40        28.42(± 3.92)
                 WS (mm)                890            1100       988.73(± 66.74)
                 WT (grams)             214            472        407.64(± 73.26)

               Notes: HB: Head body length; FA: Forearm length; HF: Hind foot length; TB:
               Tibia length; E: Ear length; WS: Wingspan length; WT: Weight.

               Comparison of measurements between male and female P. vampyrus

               The  parametric  analysis  of  independent  t-test  was  employed  to  compare  the
               mean difference of anthropometric measurements between the male (n=5) and the
               female  (n=12)  (Table  3),  after  the  normality  test  of  Kolmogorov-smirnov
               displayed  the  normal  distribution  of  the  data.  There  is  no  significant  mean
               difference in the HB, FA, HF and E  measurements between male and female P.
               vampyrus.  The  tagging  was  incomplete  for  the  measurement  of  TV,  WS  and
               WT, there fore anthropometric comparison between male and female species for
               the three parameters was unable to perform.

               Comparison of measurements between male and female P. hypomelanus

               There  are  significant  mean  difference  in  the  HB  (p<0.05,  t  statistic  =2.28,
               df=10.00),  and  TV  (p<0.01,  t  statistic  =3.74,  df=9),  between  adults  male  and
               adults female P. hypomelanus (Table 4).
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79