Page 35 - WMP_Neat
P. 35

Table 4.2. Examples of mitigating measures according to development phases.
                Development         Development           Significant impact             Mitigating
                Phase               Activity                                             Measures
                Pre-construction    Road construction      Disturbance to wildlife
                                                           Vertebrate fauna       Avoid felling of nesting trees
                                                                                  and other possible habitats for
                                                                                  nesting and foraging
                Construction        Land clearing          Habitat loss
                                                           Terrestrial/aquatic habitat   Proper  sustainable  forest
                                                                                  management         practice;
                                                                                  protection  of catchment  areas;
                                                                                  proper    erosion   control
                                                           Endangered, endemic  or   Directional felling of timber
                                                           protected plant species  trees;  establishment  of
                                                                                  conservation areas
                                                           Disturbance to wildlife
                                                           Birds                  Avoid felling nesting  trees,
                                                                                  fruiting trees and other possible
                                                                                  trees for nesting and foraging

                                                           Mammals, reptiles, and   Well plan logging phases to
                                                           amphibians             allow the animal  to migrate  or
                                                                                  move to the forested areas
                                                           Fish and other aquatic life  Implementation  of  erosion
                                                                                  control  measures;  preserve
                                                                                  catchment areas
                                                           Disorientation and     Phasing   the  construction
                                                           displacement of wildlife  activities
                                                           Pollution and pollutant

                                                           Fish and other aquatic   Implementation  of  erosion
                                                           life                   control  measures;  preserve
                                                                                  catchment areas
                Operation                                  Habitat fragmentation or
                                                           Wildlife  roaming  and  Placement of alignment as
                                                           movement               close  or along the  forest
                                                           Reduction  of  wildlife  Ecological corridor  or forest
                                                           population size        connectivity
                                                           Human-wildlife conflict  Electric fencing

                                                           Road-kills             Developing exact locations of
                                                                                  road signs
                                                           Illegal activities

                                                           Poaching and hunting   Wildlife  enforcement  and

                                                     GUIDANCE DOCUMENT FOR PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF WILDLIFE
                                                    MANAGEMENT PLAN (WMP) IN ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (EIA)  31
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