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3.3.3 Baseline study Another important process in the
impact assessment stage is evaluating the
A baseline study is a survey of the significance of the impacts. It is a standard
existing wildlife in the proposed project area, practice to first categorise the impacts
wildlife habitat and their protection and generated by any activity for every
conservation status. This must be component of the project into adverse
implemented before the development work (negative impacts) or enhancement (positive
on the project is started. The baseline study impacts). The impacts are then graded for
phase may involve field studies (collecting their significance by using a rating system for
data directly from the project site – primary both “before mitigation” and “after
sources) or desktop studies (data obtained mitigation” scenarios.
from published records, project documents,
maps, photos – secondary sources). The Rating impacts will provide a basis for
baseline study will identify key issues likely to prioritisation of impacts to be addressed,
be faced as a result of the implementation of understanding the scale of the impacts, and
the proposed project. The baseline studies will assessing the effectiveness of the mitigation
describe the affected area and establish the measures. There will be sources of uncertainty
existing biological baseline status used in the involved at several stages of the Wildlife
impact assessment phase. Impact Study, including the baseline studies
and impact prediction. The sources of
Typically, biological baseline studies uncertainty are identified and discussed.
address terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems,
flora and fauna, and environmentally sensitive 3.3.5 Identification of Mitigation
areas. The subject areas to be covered in the
baseline study should focus only on those
Identifying the best available methodologies
aspects that are likely to be affected. The
and practices appropriate to the project
areas generally depend on the nature, scale,
components is important for implementation
location of the proposed project, and the
in mitigating the adverse wildlife impacts on
extent of the impact. A detail methodology of
the various dimensions. This step of the
Wildlife Impact Study is described in Chapter
Wildlife Impact Study will identify mitigation
measures that can be implemented to avoid,
3.3.4 Impact Assessment and prevent, minimise, or offset the predicted
Evaluation of Significance adverse impacts. A series of potential
mitigation measures at every development
During the impact assessment phase stage are well described in this Guidance
of the Wildlife Impact Study, the proposed Document and Guidance Document for
project’s impacts are determined, particularly Preparation and Submission of Wildlife
the impact on wildlife. Several methodologies Management Plan (WMP) for EIA. Mitigation
have been developed and used worldwide, measures include all actions and activities
especially for EIA studies and research, to taken, put in place, or executed, which could
identify and assess the magnitude of potential be structural, non-structural, procedural, or
impacts associated with or resulting from administrative, to mitigate the adverse
project activities. impacts.