Page 101 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 101

ipped Reef or Bow Knot

      In the same way that the overhand knot can be turned into a slipped overhand

       by using a bight or loop instead of the working end, so the reef can be turned
       into a quick release knot. Using bights instead of the plain working ends in the

       second half of the reef knot, a slipped version, sometimes called a “bow,” is
      made. This knot can be easily untied or “slipped,” by pulling the short tails
      that have been left sticking out of the knot.

                                                             1 Start as a reef knot but then form loops
                                                                or bights in each end.
                                                             2 Tuck the right bight over the left bight and

                                                                under making the slipped reef.
                                                             3 The finished knot.

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