Page 106 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 106
Clove Hitch
Quick and easy to tie, the clove hitch
consists of two half hitches or crossing
turns, each made in the same
direction. It is used to finish off knots
like the round turn and two half
hitches and the various types of
lashing, as well as being a useful knot
on its own. It makes an ideal crossing
knot when staking and roping out an
arena. Boaters often use the clove
hitch to quickly moor a small boat to
a bollard or post. This is not such a
good idea, except perhaps as a very
temporary measure, as it can easily
work loose. An extra half hitch round
the standing part helps to stop this,
but there are better knots to use, such
as the round turn and two half hitches
or the bowline, depending on the
Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices