Page 111 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 111

Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices

                                                              1 Pass your packing twine round the

                                                                 package, and bring the working end
                                                                 round and under the standing part.
                                                             2 Bring the working end over and then
                                                                 under the working part, as if making a

                                                                 figure-of-eight knot.
                                                             3 Finish off the figure-of-eight knot.
                                                             4 Pull on the standing part and the figure-

                                                                 of-eight knot will tighten round the twine
                                                                 and cause the figure-of-eight knot to grip.
                                                             5 To lock the packer’s knot make a half

                                                                 hitch with the standing part leaving from
                                                             6 Put the half hitch over the short end

                                                                 sticking out from the tightened figure-of-
                                                                 eight knot. Carry on going round the
                                                                 package if you wish, or cut off with a bit

                                                                 of a tail,

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