Page 116 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 116

Carrick Bend

                                                   The design and form of the carrick bend is known all
                                                       over the world. As well as being used to join ropes

                                                 together, it is the basis of many other decorative knots.
                                                 The carrick bend is perhaps the most perfect, beautiful

                                                   and symmetrical of bends. When making this bend be
                                                     sure that the working ends are opposite one another

                                                            and are not too short, as the bend will collapse
                                                          when put under strain. It is also easily untied. In
                                                              the past this bend was used to join very large

                                                          cables, then it was kept flat with the ends seized
                                                          to the standing part, so allowing the cable to go

                                                                                   round a capstan or windlass.

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