Page 108 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 108

Clove Hitch

              Method # 3
              If you wish to learn only one method, then

              this is the one, as it can be used in all
              circumstances. It is the only way if there is no
              access to the end of the pole, post or rail,

              Make sure that the hitches go in the same
              direction and do not make a cow hitch, which
              is even less secure,

              1 Make a turn round the post bringing the
                  working end of the rope over and trapping

                  the standing part of the rope—this makes
                  the first half hitch.
              2 Bring the working end round behind the
                  post, above the first half hitch.

              3 Put the working end under the turn just
                  made, This gives the second half hitch
                  forming the clove hitch.

              4 The finished knot.

         Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices

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