Page 197 - Des Pawson "Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices"
P. 197

Pocket Guide to Knots & Splices

        Four-strand flat plait/braid

         1 Arrange the four strands flat with
            a space to the middle.
        2 Bring right outer strand to the

            inside over its neighbor.
        3 Bring left outer strand to the
            inside over its two neighbors.
        4 Bring right outer strand to the

            inside over its neighbor.
        5 Bring left outer strand to the

            inside over its two neighbors.
            Repeat right, left, until required
            length reached.
        6 The finished plait/braid.

        Five-strand flat plait/braid

        7 Arrange flat with three strands to
            the right and two to the left. Biing
            outer right to middle, then outer

            left to middle.
        8 Repeat outer right to middle,
            outer left to middle until required

            length made.

        Six-strand flat piait/braid

        9 Arrange three strands to the right
            and three strands to the left.

            Bring outer right to middle, then
            outer left to middle.
        10 Repeat outer right to middle,
            outer left to middle until required

            length made.

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