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Ken Diamond Memorial Park & Trail in Trail, an easy 2 km trek to Happy
Glovertown is a great place to start. Adventure. From there, explore the coast
Before you leave, pay a visit to the via boat tour or kayak to see resettled
Glovertown Museum – The Janes House, communities, sea caves, and even a Central
to learn about the resettlement history of little-known puffin colony.
the islands in Bonavista Bay. There are The most photographed spot here is
also informative exhibits about the area’s Salvage, pronounced with a long “a” as in
boat building heritage and educational “age.” This is the oldest European
exhibits about the lumber industry. settlement along this part of the coast and
Eastport is the main beach hub. is a classic outport with wharves, stages, Road Trips
Eastport Beach and Northside Beach fishing boats, and fishing paraphernalia.
draw visitors all summer long – these Terra Nova National Park has become a
white sandy beaches are connected by favourite with families who like to camp,
boardwalks and a nature trail. Northside and no wonder. Kids have several
Beach is the starting point of the High playgrounds to choose from, while their
Tide Trail, part of the Damnable Trail parents can relax close by. Get up close
Network. The town also hosts a with sea life at the Visitor Centre’s touch
well-regarded literary festival and an tank, walk the extensive trail system, and
accordion festival each summer. take in an entertaining evening show
Get further acquainted with the arts and about park wildlife and ecology. The park
culture scene by seeing what’s on at The is also our very first Dark Sky Preserve,
Beaches Arts & Heritage Centre. and there’s a festival in August called
The aptly named Sandy Cove Beach Night Sky Celebrations. If you’re a golfer,
can be found in nearby Sandy Cove. you’ll appreciate the courses at Terra For more road trip information, visit
There are Damnable Trail network trails in Nova Resort & Golf Community.
this area, including the Old School House
Road Trip Tips
If your trip includes a ferry jaunt, visit for routes
and rates. Some ferries do permit vehicles, with a set limit for vehicle capacity; other ferries
are passengers only (no vehicles accepted) so plan accordingly.
Please check exact directions and road conditions before you start each road trip.
Visit for current road conditions and ferry updates. Distances are estimates
and for guidance only. Routes can be taken as is, or in reverse order.
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