Page 160 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
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town of Bridgeport is a little-known homes and colourful fishing sheds, and as
hotspot for iceberg viewing. you navigate the winding coastal roads
Take Route 345 back to Route 340 and and streets, you’ll find photo-worthy
Dildo Run Provincial Park. The park is moments at every turn.
open year-round and is popular for its
cross-country skiing in winter and Kittiwake Coast:
camping, hiking, and paddling in summer. Islands Experience
On the drive to Twillingate, you’ll see a Start: Route 335
giant Sei whale skeleton on the dock Length: About 115 km. Optional ferry
outside the Prime Berth Twillingate crossings from 20 minutes to Change
Fishing and Heritage Centre. Join the Islands and 75 minutes to Fogo Island
captain on a fishing trip, or take a boat
tour to scout for whales and icebergs.
Twillingate embodies everything
Newfoundland and Labrador outports are
famous for: rugged coastline, picturesque
streets, and lush countryside roads. In the Change Islands has a way of slowing
waters off the coast, look for whales, you down. Only about 300 people call
dolphins, seabirds, and – if the season is this idyllic and historic island home, and
right – icebergs. Twillingate sits in the many of the island’s original dwellings,
heart of Iceberg Alley. A great place to stages, and fishing sheds have been
view from land is Long Point, where a perfectly preserved. The place inspires
lighthouse stands atop a high cliff artists of all backgrounds – head over to
overlooking the bay. Boat and kayak tours the Forge and Fibre to watch a blacksmith
are plentiful here. create custom ironwork using a
Twillingate has live entertainment traditional coal forge, or learn about rug
almost every night and festivals hooking and other textile techniques at
throughout the season, including the Newfoundland Original Hooked Rugs.
Unscripted Twillingate Digital Arts While here, hike the Squid Jiggers Trail,
Festival, where visitors participate in which hugs the rugged coastline, and visit
experiential digital arts workshops along the Olde Shoppe Museum, a private
with music, food, and entertainment collection of local artifacts from the early
events. Attend a live show at the 19th and 20th centuries.
Twillingate New World Island Dinner Fogo Island, the largest along
Theatre, or join a fun-filled kitchen party Newfoundland and Labrador’s vast
with the Split Peas. Wrap up your visit coastline, is home to eleven settlements,
with a trip to the Twillingate Museum and each with its own distinctive flair. Traditional
the Isles Wooden Boat Museum, both of craft is in abundance here. You’ll see plenty
which pay tribute to the area’s vibrant past. of it at the Fogo Island Workshop, where
You’ll have your pick of restaurants, handmade furniture and textile design
cafes, and bars around here, as well as the reflects the island’s ingenuity.
Auk Island Winery. Hikers can take Settled in the 18th century, Tilting is a
advantage of the Rockcut Twillingate National Historic Site of Canada and a
Trails network. These will carry you along Registered Heritage District. Wander
the coast to hidden coves and great views through the tall, lush grasses and run
overlooking the islands. your fingers over the red paint of old
Nearby outports like Too Good Arm fishing stages, or learn more about this
and Herring Neck are full of historic incredible history on a walking tour of
158 | For more info call 1-800-563-6353