Page 159 - Benefits-of-Immigration-for-Newfoundland-and-Labrador
P. 159
South Coast Adventure Kittiwake Coast: Road to the Isles
Start: Hermitage Start: Notre Dame Junction
Length: Ferry crossings from Length: About 311 km
20 to 90 minutes Central
Lewisporte is a major service centre for
Hop the passenger-only ferry in Notre Dame Bay. Historically known for Road Trips
Hermitage, headed for Gaultois and shipping and forestry, learn more about
McCallum. this history at the By the Bay Museum.
Spend some time in Gaultois, where Other attractions include boat tours,
there is no shortage of fresh seafood and walking trails, entertainment-chocked
warm hospitality, and hike the interior trail festivals, and even a dinner theatre.
to the resettled community of Piccaire. At Walk the South West Brook Estuary
the local inn, ask about events or activities Bird Watching Trail. 60 species of birds
happening during your visit. McCallum, and waterfowl are found here. Then, take
another small village only accessible by a guided trip into the Lewisporte area’s
boat, has walking paths and is best backcountry to encounter woodland
explored as a day trip from Gaultois. caribou, moose, and other wildlife.
From McCallum, there’s a ferry that runs The Loon Bay and Birchy Bay areas will
weekly to Francois, a small fishing outport appeal to birdwatchers and
framed by the walls of a deep fjord. This beachcombers alike – watch for terns For more road trip information, visit
route requires careful preparation. You’ll diving for fish as you stroll. Be sure to tour
have to spend a week in Francois before the Over the Top Museum to learn what
you can return to McCallum, and the life was like here in the early 1900s.
service can be delayed due to weather or There’s also a scaled replica of the
medical emergency. Be sure to check ferry schooner Over the Top, built to honour
schedules before heading out and make all Newfoundlanders and Labradorians who
necessary accommodation arrangements lost their lives in WWI.
in advance. Nearby is Notre Dame Provincial Park.
This serene, forested park borders on the
Fortune Bay Adventure calm waters of Junction Pond and is ideal
See description under for camping, canoeing, kayaking, and
Eastern Road Trips (p. 243). swimming. Sink your toes into the sandy
beach, and take a refreshing dip in the water.
A major attraction on this part of the
coast is the Beothuk Interpretation
Centre Provincial Historic Site in Boyd’s
Cove. Tour the exhibits and artifacts, and
an easy 1.5 km walking trail leads to a
former Beothuk village site – today, all
that remains are the outlines of housepits.
On your way towards Twillingate, take
a slight detour on Route 345. There are
hiking trails and berry picking
opportunities along this stretch, and the
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