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beach on the Kittiwake Coast, but it’s rarely   American and European continents
        crowded – there’s enough space for   collided 150-million years ago.
        everyone, and then some. Local folklore   The coast around Dover and Hare Bay
        suggests that pirates once roamed these   is excellent for whale watching, iceberg
        shores. The Wonder Shore – Lumsden   viewing, fishing, and birdwatching. Hop
        Shoreline Hiking Trail will take you along   on a boat tour that will take you out
        the coast, over sand dunes and rocky cliffs,   exploring the nooks and crannies of the
        to resettled communities and graveyards.  Kittiwake Coast.
          An important nesting habitat for   At the end of this scenic drive is
        several species, the Cape Freels coastline   Gambo, birthplace of Joey Smallwood. He
        is a designated Important Bird Area by   successfully led the province into
        BirdLife International. Keep an eye out for   Confederation, and became our first
        the Common Eider, Common Murre,   Premier when Newfoundland joined
        Razorbill, Arctic Tern, and more. One of   Canada in 1949. Several commemorative
        the best places to birdwatch is on the   pieces that recall his life and work,
        Wonder Shore – Cape Freels Hiking Trail.   including a statue and a museum, dot the
          The New-Wes-Valley area has a unique   town. Logger’s Memorial Park highlights
        history. The waters here are a bit warmer,   the community’s storied logging history,
        which means the area has milder winters.   while the David Smallwood Park has
        This is what first attracted Indigenous   access to trails and a natural swimming
        people to the area thousands of years ago.   hole. This is also the location of the Just
        Excursions available include hiking and   Imagine Dinner Theatre, based on events
        kayaking, beach boil-ups, and berry picking.   from September 11, 2001.
        For a gentle trek, try the Business Pond   Stop at Joey’s Lookout on your way out
        Walking Trail, part of the Wonder Shore Trail   of town for magnificent views over
        system. Before you leave, pop into Norton’s   Gambo and the Gambo River.
        Cove Studio to peruse the artwork.
          Newtown – the Venice of       Kittiwake Coast:
        Newfoundland – is built on a series of tiny  Road to the Beaches
        islands. The Alphaeus Barbour House is a   Start: Glovertown or Traytown
        Queen Anne-style mansion built in 1904   Length: About 90 km. Add a 1 hour ferry
        by a local merchant. Inside are many   crossing to St. Brendan’s
        original furnishings and fittings.
          Nearby Greenspond is a photogenic
        community, and one of the oldest
        continuously inhabited outports in the
        province, with a European presence
        dating back to the 1690s. Wander around   The Eastport Peninsula is famed for
        town to see historic buildings, hike the   its sandy beaches. Take Route 310 from
        Wonder Shore – Greenspond Hiking Trail,   Route 1 at Glovertown or Traytown and
        or take a boat tour to look for birds,   get ready for some beachcombing.
        icebergs, and whales. Your guides may   There’s more here than just sand,
        also lead you to resettled islands and   including exceptional hiking on the
        secluded beaches, where you’ll enjoy a   Damnable Trail network. Ranging from
        hearty meal cooked over an open fire.   rugged and challenging coastal trails to
          In Dover, head to the lookout over the   leisurely strolls along beaches and through
        Dover Fault, a major break in the Earth’s   historic communities, the network has
        crust, marking the area where the North   something for every ability. The leisurely

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