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have been plying their craft here since   winter territory for the now-extinct
        1992, and their work reflects the   Beothuk people. This area is also known
        inspiration of the area. The nearby King’s   for its wilderness experiences, and
        Point Whale Pavilion features interactive   adventure guides will happily arrange   Central
        information on anything you’d like to   backcountry tours for you.
        know about these incredible sea   The Exploits is the longest river on
        creatures. Don’t leave without hitting the   the island and hosts the king of game
        Alexander Murray Hiking Trail. It rises   fish– Atlantic salmon. Follow Route 1 to
        more than 300 metres and provides an   Grand Falls-Windsor, where the Salmonid
        unsurpassed view of Green Bay and any   Interpretation Centre tells all about this   Road Trips
        icebergs that might pass by.    remarkable (and great tasting) fighter.
          Next, after backtracking a little,    Run the Exploits Canyon on a rafting tour,
        take 380 to Robert’s Arm. Start with the   or enjoy a relaxing float downstream.
        Hazelnut Hiking and Adventure Trail.   The Demasduit Regional Museum in
        These hills are particularly luminous in   Grand Falls-Windsor explores the
        the fall, but the trek is beautiful year-  5,000-year human history of this area,
        round. Further north on Route 380, head   including the Beothuk. Walk the
        to the Pilley’s Island Heritage Museum in   Corduroy Brook Nature Trail and visit the
        scenic Pilley’s Island.         Nature Centre to learn about the
          In Triton, take a guided tour of the   wetlands and its flora and fauna.
        Triton Sperm Whale Pavilion. See the   If you’re visiting in winter, stick around
        13-metre Sperm Whale skeleton, and   for the Mid Winter Bivver, an annual
        learn about the giant squid that once   festival including snowmobile rides,
        washed up onshore in Badger Bay.    gourmet food, and live entertainment.   For more road trip information, visit
        Take to the sea with a local tour operator   Nearby Bishop’s Falls, formerly a major
        to see icebergs, whales, waterfalls,   railway hub, is home to one of the
        shipwrecks, mussel farms, and a sea cave   longest train trestle bridges in the
        called Nanny’s Hole.            country. It now carries hikers and ATVs
          On land, hit the Maple Ridge Hiking   instead of trains, but its almost 300-
        Trail. 5 km of coastal terrain awaits,    metre length gives an indication of why
        but tack on some extra time to enjoy the   this river divided the island for centuries.
        outdoor pool, boat launch, and public   In the winter months, this bridge is
        pier area. Get even further off the beaten   popular for skiing, snowshoeing, and
        trail by taking a short ferry ride from   snowmobiling. For sweeping views of the
        Pilley’s Island to Long Island.  river, head to Fallsview Municipal Park.
                                         Below Bishop’s Falls, the river empties
        Exploits Valley                 into the Bay of Exploits, a picturesque
        Start: Badger                   area dotted with islands. Route 350 takes
        Length: About 386 km            you to the western side of the bay and
                                        Botwood, which in the 1930s was a
                                        refuelling stop for the first transatlantic
                                        air passenger service. Visit the Flying Boat
                                        Museum at the Botwood Heritage Park,
                                        Museum, and Archive to learn more
          Take Route 370 south along the   about this aviation history. Important
        Exploits River to Buchans and the    moments in its history are chronicled in
        island’s second-largest lake, Beothuk   13+ artistic murals located throughout
        Lake. Historically, this area was the    town. Stretch your legs on the Botwood

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