Page 308 - Bowie State University Graduate Catalog 2018-2020.
P. 308

particular congregation practices its beliefs and values to enhance the quality
          of Pastoral care?

          Former course number   610
          Prerequisites: Fifteen hours of psychology or counseling courses or permission
          Credits: 3
          The course emphasizes the administration, scoring, and interpretation of
          infant, child, and adult intelligence tests, emphasizing the Stanford-Binet,
          WPPSI, WISC-R, and WAIS.  Included will be a survey of the development of IQ
          tests, theories of intelligence and current trends and developments in
          intellectual assessment.

          PSYC   711    PROJECTIVE TESTING
          Former course number   611
          Prerequisites: Fifteen hours of psychology or counseling courses
          Credits: 3
          The course will introduce and emphasize the basic administration, scoring and
          interpretation of major projective child, adolescent, and adult tests:  The
          Rorschach Inkblot Test, The Thematic Apperception Test, The Children’s
          Apperception Test, Draw a Person-Tree-House; Three Wishes; Guess Why
          Game; Bender-Gestalt Test of Visual Perception (Projective, and Minnesota
          Mutiphasic Personality Inventory).  Included will be a survey of the
          development of projective tests, underlying theories associated with them, and
          current trends and developments in projective assessment.

          Former course number   514
          Prerequisites:   None
          Credits: 3
          This course integrates various assessment methodologies, including Life Style
          Assessment techniques, MMPI, MBTI, Beck Depression scales, Intelligence
          Testing, Projective Testing, DSM-IV Diagnoses, Priorities Interview Technique,
          and the TAT, for a comprehensive process of assessment.  The purposes,
          techniques, and process of clinical assessment will be explored.  Techniques for
          understanding of non-verbal, verbal, and interpersonal transactions, including
          the recapitulation of the family structure and dynamics are examined.
          Students are introduced to situational assessment, psychological inference and
          report writing.

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