Page 88 - Bowie State University Graduate Catalog 2018-2020.
P. 88

non-academic workforces, especially the leadership in these
               •    To provide an opportunity for students to gain the knowledge and
                    skills needed to explore the literature and language of diverse
                    populations and to successfully pursue careers in related areas, such
                    as journalism, public relations, writing, etc.
               •    To provide an in-service program for teachers of English.

            Overview and Curriculum Sequence

               1.  The student pursues core, elective, and any applicable qualifying
                   courses.  (This program presupposes that those students who are
                   pursuing or wish to pursue careers in teaching have already met
                   certification requirements.)
               2.  Upon completion of 12 semester hours of core and elective courses,
                   the student may advance to candidacy.
               3.  Upon completion of 21 credits of program requirements (see specific
                   stipulations that follow), the student may register for and pass the
                   Graduate Written Comprehensive Examination.

            After successfully completing a minimum of 21 credit hours of coursework that
            count toward the MA in English degree, students should be able enroll in ENGL
            799 and ENGL 800, as long as they meet the following criteria:

               (i)  At least six of the 21 credits should be core requirements
            (501, 601, and 737);
               (ii)  At least six of the 21 credits should be fulfilling the “Special Topics”
               (iii) At least six of the 21 credits should be fulfilling the “Seminar”

               4.  The student completes and defends a thesis.
               5.  The student is awarded the Master of Arts in English.

            Program Requirements

            I.     Core Courses

                   ENGL       501         Research Methods and Digital Humanities I
                   ENGL       601         Rhetorical Theories and Practices I

   83   84   85   86   87   88   89   90   91   92   93