Page 84 - Bowie State University Graduate Catalog 2018-2020.
P. 84
In order to complete the requirements for the doctoral degree, students will
prepare and successfully defend a written dissertation in accordance with the
format and procedure dictated by the BSU Department of Computer Science and
the Graduate School. Each student must orally defend the completed doctoral
research to his/her dissertation committee. The defense will be open to the
public and must be publicized at least two weeks in advance. The first hours of
this final examination will consist of an open seminar on the student’s research.
This will be followed by a closed door examination of the candidate by the
doctoral advisor and the dissertation committee. This examination will follow
guidelines established by the Department of Computer Science and the
Graduate School. The examination can be wide-ranging, but will usually utilize
the student’s research as a starting point. At the completion of the examination,
the dissertation advisor and dissertation committee will vote to either pass or
fail the student. If the majority of the committee members cast negative votes,
it is considered a failure of the defense examination.
1 Check graduate catalog section on advancement to candidacy