Page 87 - Bowie State University Graduate Catalog 2018-2020.
P. 87
2. Applicants who hold bachelor’s degrees in English or related areas
must have a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or better.
3. Applicants who hold degrees in other areas must have a cumulative
GPA of 2.5 or better. They will be required to take selected
undergraduate English courses as prerequisites upon acceptance, and
they must successfully complete each prerequisite with a point
average 3.0 or better (on a 4.0-point scale) to advance to graduate
course work.
4. Applicants must submit an application for admission, pay the
appropriate fee, and submit
a. an official copy of their undergraduate transcript,
b. three letters of recommendation, and
c. a one-page statement of academic and research interest.
5. All applicants will be required to provide two additional writing
samples before the final admission decision is rendered. The first
sample is a completed, original essay that represents the academic
writing and research abilities of the applicant. The second sample will
be an essay applicants write on the main campus of Bowie State
University under the supervision of Master of Arts in English program
personnel (or at an approved testing center under the supervision of a
Program Objectives
• To provide an avenue for the student of English to keep abreast of
current literary, cultural, and rhetorical theories, practices, and
• To provide an opportunity for the enhancement of knowledge and
skills in the discipline.
• To provide an opportunity to acquire the knowledge and skills
needed to use new technologies in accessing, analyzing, using, and
sharing information.
• To provide an opportunity to strengthen students’ analytical and
research skills, enabling them to successfully pursue any of a variety
of careers which require the application of such skills.
• To provide advanced study and research in English through the study
of literary genre, special topics in literature, and cross-genre
investigation of themes and literary modes -- with special attention
to the development of critical thinking and assessment skills needed
not only in the discipline, but also required by both the academic and