P. 4

               Academic         General           Experience        Sem./     Doctorate      Publication
                 Rank/        Requirement                         Workshop      Degree
               Associate   Vertical Master's degree   6 years of   96 hours   21 Doctorate   With completed
               Professor II  with appropriate    tertiary teaching           units or its   output in research
                           eligibility (RA 1080)   experience or 4           equiv. in a   and Extension as
                           and at least 18 units of   years of tertiary      research     author/co-author
                           Professional Education   teaching                 doctorate    and at least 1 new
                           subjects with units in   experience with          degree in the   IM during the
                           Doctorate             2 years prof,               area of      evaluation period
                                                 practice in the             specialization
                                                 field of                    is required

              Associate    Vertical Master's degree   6 years of   112 hours   30 Doctorate   With completed
              Professor Ill   with appropriate   tertiary teaching           units or its   output in research
                           eligibility (RA 1080)   experience or 4           equiv. in a   and Extension as
                           and at least 18 units of   years of tertiary      research     author/co-author
                           Professional Education   teaching                 doctorate    and at least 1
                           subjects with units in   experience with          degree in the   workbook/ manual
                           Doctorate             2 years prof.               area of      with ISBN and
                                                 practice                    specialization  other lMs during
                                                 in the field of             is required   the evaluation
                                                 specialization                           period

               Associat    Vertical Master's degree   8 years of   128 hours   Completed   1 new relevant
               e           with appropriate      tertiary teaching           academic     publication in a
               Professor   eligibility (RA 1080)   experience or 6           req. in the   research/ acad.
               IV          and at least 18 units of   years of tertiary      doctorate    Journal and 1
                           Professional Education   teaching                 program in   reference book/
                           subjects with units in   experience with          the area of   workbook! manual
                           Doctorate             2 years prof.               specialization  with ISBN and
                                                 practice                                 other IMs during
                                                 in the field of                          the evaluation
                                                 specialization                           period

               Associate   Vertical Master's degree   8 years of   144 hours   Doctorate   1 new relevant
               Professor V  and vertical doctorate   tertiary teaching       degree in the   publication in a
                           degree with appropriate   experience or 6         area of      research/ acad.
                           eligibility (RA 1080)   years of tertiary         specialization  Journal and at least
                           and at least 18 units of   teaching               is required   1 reference book/
                           Professional Education   experience with                       Workbook/ manual
                           subjects              2 years prof.                            with ISBN and
                                                 practice                                 other IMs during
                                                 in the field of                          the evaluation
                                                 specialization                           period

               Professor I   *Vertical Master's degree  10 years of   160 hours   Doctorate   1 new relevant
                           and vertical doctorate   tertiary teaching        degree in the   publication in a
                           degree                experience or               area of      refereed research/
                           with appropriate                                               acad. Journal and
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